Why is this mov causing a SIGSEGV


Could anybody please point me in the right direction why is this mov instruction causing a segfault? This is what it looks like when the core file gets loaded into gdb...

(gdb) x/8i $rip-4
0x198f6f79: nop
0x198f6f7a: nop
0x198f6f7b: nop
0x198f6f7c: nop
=> 0x198f6f7d:  mov    DWORD PTR ds:0x401bb410,0x2a
0x198f6f88: mov    r8d,DWORD PTR ds:0x401bb4b4
0x198f6f90: movsd  xmm7,QWORD PTR [r8+0x30]
0x198f6f96: cvttsd2si eax,xmm7

0x401bb410 seems like a valid address

(gdb) x/1w 0x401bb410
0x401bb410: 0x00000022
(gdb) x/1wd 0x401bb410
0x401bb410: 34

DS is set to zeroes

(gdb) i r
rax            0xc  12
rbx            0x4125bf70   1092992880
rcx            0x4125c1c0   1092993472
rdx            0x9  9
rsi            0x4125bf70   1092992880
rdi            0xfffffffb411f0580   -20382284416
rbp            0x8  0x8
rsp            0x7ffc4acc78f0   0x7ffc4acc78f0
r8             0x426bf980   1114372480
r9             0x10 16
r10            0x10 16
r11            0x51ad0c 5352716
r12            0x426bf980   1114372480
r13            0x7fade525af58   140384850521944
r14            0x8  8
r15            0xc  12
rip            0x198f6f7d   0x198f6f7d
eflags         0x10297  [ CF PF AF SF IF RF ]
cs             0x33 51
ss             0x2b 43
ds             0x0  0
es             0x0  0
fs             0x0  0
gs             0x0  0

And address in $rip seems to be marked as CODE, so there should be no NX, right?

(gdb) maintenance info sections
Core file:
`/root/core_1478876914_15894', file type elf64-x86-64.
[17]     0x198e0000->0x19900000 at 0x00853000: load5 ALLOC LOAD READONLY CODE HAS_CONTENTS

Am I missing something obvious here? ngx_http_lua_run_thread calls lua_resume(orig_coctx->co, nrets) which passes execution to LuaJIT compiled with -fomit-frame-pointer

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000000198f6f7d in ?? ()
#1  0x0000000040d90798 in ?? ()
#2  0x000000000051c7b1 in lj_vm_inshook ()
#3  0x00000000004daada in ngx_http_lua_run_thread (L=0xfffffffb411f0580, L@entry=0x401bb378, r=0x4125bf70, r@entry=0x7fade4f03710, ctx=0x9, ctx@entry=0x7fade525af30, nrets=0)
at ../modules/lua-nginx-module/src/ngx_http_lua_util.c:1005

Using openresty-gdb-utils gives me LuaJIT trace number

(gdb) ltracebymcode $rip
(GCtrace*)0x431168b8 (trace #42)
machine code start addr: 0x198f6f7d
machine code end addr: 0x198f7155

And dumps the IR code for the trace (which I do not understand at all yet)

(gdb) lir 42
IR count: 36

---- TRACE 42 start 3/? mymodules_handlers.lua:97
---- TRACE 42 IR
....              SNAP   #0   [ ---- ]
0001 rax   >  int SLOAD  #7    CRI
0002       >  int LE     0001  +2147483646
0003 rbp      int SLOAD  #6    CI
0004 r12   >  tab SLOAD  #2    T
0005          int FLOAD  0004  tab.hmask
0006       >  int EQ     0005  +15 
0007 r11      p32 FLOAD  0004  tab.node
0008       >  p32 HREFK  0007  "features" @6
0009 rdx   >  tab HLOAD  0008
0010 rsi      int FLOAD  0009  tab.asize
0011       >  int ULE    0010  0003
0012 xmm0     num CONV   0003  num.int
0013 r10      p32 HREF   0009  0012
0014       >  tru HLOAD  0013
0015 r9    >  tab SLOAD  #3    T
0016          int FLOAD  0015  tab.asize
0017       >  p32 ABC    0016  0001
0018 rcx      p32 FLOAD  0015  tab.array
0019          p32 AREF   0018  0003
0020       >  fun ALOAD  0019
0021       >  tab SLOAD  #1    T
0022       >  fun EQ     0020  mymodules_features.lua:208
0023 rbp    + int ADD    0003  +1  
....              SNAP   #1   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- true ]
0024       >  int LE     0023  0001
....              SNAP   #2   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- true 0023 0001 ---- 0023 ]
0025 ------------ LOOP ------------
0026       >  int UGE    0023  0010
0027 xmm7     num CONV   0023  num.int
0028 rbx      p32 HREF   0009  0027
0029       >  tru HLOAD  0028
0030          p32 AREF   0018  0023
0031       >  fun ALOAD  0030
0032       >  fun EQ     0031  mymodules_features.lua:208
0033 rbp    + int ADD    0023  +1  
....              SNAP   #3   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- true ]
0034       >  int LE     0033  0001
0035 rbp      int PHI    0023  0033

Any advice is highly appreciated and more information can be provided, I've been stuck with segfaults like this for days.

Thanks a lot champs!

asked on Stack Overflow Nov 15, 2016 by NZT

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