Gulp SASS 1 line results in error


I have this line of SCSS:

height: calc(#{$drawer-padding} + #{$drawer-profile-img} + #{$drawer-profile-content-height} + #{$drawer-profile-bottom-padding});

Everytime I try to run Gulp, it will return the following error:

Process finished with exit code -1073741571 (0xC00000FD)

I get this error using gulp-sass. The error is only caused by that line and everything worked just fine before that.

I hope someone can help me with the error.


When I delete the last part + #{$drawer-profile-bottom-padding} it does work. It looks like as if there are too many #{}.

asked on Stack Overflow Oct 10, 2016 by SuperDJ • edited Oct 11, 2016 by SuperDJ

1 Answer


I've stumbled across exactly the same issue. It looks like a stack overflow. In my case it is reproducible only under Windows environment. Any Linux distributive I've tried deals with it well.

As a workaround for Windows (since apparently it allows only 1MB of stack tops) I've lifted up a bit maximum stack size limitation using editbin which is a part of C/C++ Build Tools.

editbin /STACK:2097152[,commit] node.exe

You may also try using --stack-size option for node.

answered on Stack Overflow Jul 11, 2017 by wazelin

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