How to map C# enum to PostgreSQL enum using Dapper.FastCRUD?


I have a class Sample, one of whose properties is an enum, TargetType. I have a corresponding table samples defined in a PostgreSQL database, along with a matching enum type, targettypes.

With Dapper.FastCRUD, I can retrieve records from the table successfully. However, I get an error during insertion:

Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 42804: column "target_type" is of type targettype but expression is of type integer

EDIT 1: MoonStorm - creator of Dapper.FastCRUD - clarified that DB-CLR type conversions are handled by Dapper. So, now the question is:

How do I tell Dapper to map the C# enum TargetType to PostgreSQL ENUM TYPE targettype?

The enum is defined as:

public enum TargetType
    UNKNOWN = 0,

    ANIMAL = 1,

    CAR = 2,

    TRUCK = 3

And the class is defined as:

public partial class Sample
    public DateTime RecordingTime { get; set; }

    public double X_Position { get; set; }

    public double X_Velocity { get; set; }

    public double Y_Position { get; set; }

    public double Y_Velocity { get; set; }

    public ulong Id { get; set; }

    [Column("target_type")] // <--- This is the offending column
    public TargetType TargetType { get; set; }


EDIT 2: Revised the example with working insert.

Illustration of usage:

using Npgsql;
using Dapper.FastCrud;

NpgsqlConnection.MapEnumGlobally<TargetType>("public.targettype"); // ... (1)

OrmConfiguration.DefaultDialect = SqlDialect.PostgreSql;

(using NpgsqlConnection conn = ...) // Connect to database
    var samples = conn.Find<Sample>();  // <--- This works correctly
    foreach (Sample s in samples)

    ... // Generate new samples

    using (var writer = conn.BeginBinaryImport(sql))
        foreach (Sample s in entities)

            writer.Write(s.TargetType);  // <--- This insert works, due to (1)

    foreach (Sample sample in sampleList)
        conn.Insert<Sample>(sample);    // <--- This throws PostgresException
asked on Stack Overflow Oct 5, 2016 by Abir • edited Oct 6, 2016 by Abir

2 Answers


You probably have to convert TargetType to a integer.

Untested but something like:

    return (int)this.TargetType;
answered on Stack Overflow Oct 6, 2016 by dbol

I've been faced with this same problem today, and my conclusion is that Dapper currently simply doesn't support this. What you'd want to do is register a custom type handler with SqlMapper like this:

public class DbClass
  static DbClass()
    SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new MyPostgresEnumTypeHandler());

  class MyPostgresEnumTypeHandler : SqlMapper.TypeHandler<MyPostgresEnum>
    public override MyPostgresEnum Parse(object value)
      switch (value)
        case int i: return (MyPostgresEnum)i;
        case string s: return (MyPostgresEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(MyPostgresEnum),s);
        default: throw new NotSupportedException($"{value} not a valid MyPostgresEnum value");

    public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, MyPostgresEnum value)
      parameter.DbType = (DbType)NpgsqlDbType.Unknown;
      // assuming the enum case names match the ones defined in Postgres
      parameter.Value = Enum.GetName(typeof(MyPostgresEnum), (int)value).ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); 

Unfortunately, this doesn't work because Dapper ignores custom type handlers for Enums, specifically. See for details.

My approach while waiting to see if this issue is ever dealt with is going to be to write NpgsqlCommand queries directly when dealing with these kinds of enums.

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 10, 2019 by Ben Collins • edited Apr 11, 2019 by Ben Collins

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