I'm working on an array_merge function for ASP classic. What I have seems to be working, until one (or both) params are empty or not arrays. Here's what I have so far:
function array_merge(left, right)
dim total_size
dim i
dim merged
' Convert "left" to an array
if not isArray(left) then
left = Array(left)
end if
' Convert "right" to an array
if not isArray(right) then
right = Array(right)
end if
' Start with "left" and add the elements of "right"
right_size = ubound(right)
total_size = ubound(left) + right_size + 1
merged = left
redim preserve merged(total_size)
for i = 0 to ubound(right)
merged(right_size + i + 1) = right(i)
' Return value
array_merge = merged
end function
I get the error:
Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6) Object doesn't support this property or method: 'merged' /_inc/nav/left-nav.inc, line 21
From the line merged(right_size + i + 1) = right(i)
. Any wisdom on where I'm going wrong?
LittleBobbyTables is right, you should change the parameters.
I think depending on you inputs an extra check for object could solve your issue
function array_merge(left, right)
dim right_size
dim total_size
dim i
dim merged
''// Convert "left" to an array
if not isArray(left) then
left = Array(left)
end if
''// Convert "right" to an array
if not isArray(right) then
right = Array(right)
end if
''// Start with "left" and add the elements of "right"
right_size = ubound(right)
total_size = ubound(left) + right_size + 1
merged = array()
redim merged(total_size)
dim counter : counter = 0
for i = lbound(left) to ubound(left)
if isobject(left(i))then
set merged(counter) = left(i)
merged(counter) = left(i)
end if
for i = lbound(right) to ubound(right)
if isobject(right(i))then
set merged(counter) = right(i)
merged(counter) = right(i)
end if
''// Return value
array_merge = merged
end function
Some Testcode:
dim a: a=100
dim b: b=200
dim c: set c=nothing
dim d: set d=nothing
dim e: set e=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
dim f: set f=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
dim x,y,z,zz
x = array_merge(a,b)
y = array_merge(c,d)
z = array_merge(e,f)
zz = array_merge(a,e)
response.write x(0)
response.write x(1)
''// Accessing Nothing Values throw Error
''//response.write y(0)
''//response.write y(1)
response.write z(0).GetExtensionName("test.doc")
response.write z(1).GetExtensionName("test.doc")
response.write zz(0)
response.write zz(1).GetExtensionName("test.doc")
Small efficiency improvement to Paolo Pta's answer. There's no need to iterate through arr1; just "redim preserve" it.
Function array_merge( arr1, arr2 )
dim arr1_size, arr2_size, total_size, i, counter
if not isArray( arr1 ) then arr1 = Array( arr1 )
if not isArray( arr2 ) then arr2 = Array( arr2 )
arr1_size = ubound( arr1 ) : arr2_size = ubound( arr2 )
total_size = arr1_size + arr2_size + 1
counter = arr1_size + 1
Redim Preserve arr1( total_size )
For i = lbound( arr2 ) to arr2_size
If isobject( arr2( i ) )then
set arr1( counter ) = arr2( i )
arr1( counter ) = arr2( i )
End if
counter = counter + 1
array_merge = arr1
End Function
I know this question is a bit old, but there is something that you need to fix, so that you can obtain all the values from the two arrays.
You need to upgrade the counter inside the second FOR, like you did on the first one. Otherwise one of the values from the second array wont be assigned.
Take this code as an example:
''//Build the Arrays
Dim a,b,c
a=array("a1","a2") : b=array("b1","b2") : c=array_merge(a,b)
''//Run the code
For Each i In c
Response.Write i &"<br />"
''//The main function
Function array_merge(arr1, arr2)
''//Declare all function variables
dim arr1_size,arr2_size,total_size,i,merged,counter
''//Fix empty or none arrays
if not isArray(arr1) then arr1 = Array(arr1) end if
if not isArray(arr2) then arr2 = Array(arr2) end if
''// Get and set the Arrays Size
arr1_size = ubound(arr1) : arr2_size = ubound(arr2)
total_size = arr1_size + arr2_size + 1
''//Create a temporary array and assign it a size
merged = array()
redim merged(total_size)
counter = 0
''//Create one single Array with the two others by looping them
For i = lbound(arr1) to ubound(arr1)
IF isobject(arr1(i)) then
set merged(counter) = arr1(i)
merged(counter) = arr1(i)
End if
For i = lbound(arr2) to ubound(arr2)
If isobject(arr2(i))then
set merged(counter) = arr2(i)
merged(counter) = arr2(i)
End if
''// Return the value
array_merge = merged
End Function
A few years later, but maybe someone can use it.
function array_merge(arr, arr2)
for each elm in arr2
redim preserve arr(UBound(arr) + 1)
arr(UBound(arr)) = elm
array_merge = arr
end function
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