The Windows Store is unable to install the Desktop Converter on build 14393 here. It starts and gets an error 0x80073CF9. It seems to be only that, as I can download other apps fine.
So I am trying to install it from the zip file.
I have copied the files from into C:\Windows\System32.
I also copied BaseImage-14393 there.
First time I type desktopappconverter it prompted me for the name of the app, and so on.
Then when I go
CMD PS C:\> .\DesktopAppConverter.ps1 -Setup -BaseImage .\BaseImage-14393.wim -Verbose
I get : Access is denied.
What am I doing wrong ?
I get : Access is denied.
Please extract the to a local folder, like Desktop folder of current user
Also need to ensure the current user has the Administrator permission.
Run the following command from an admin PowerShell window to setup the converter
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