Certificate revoked WM


I have problem. Since few days my app is generating

System.Exception: The certificate is revoked. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80092010)

What is strange is that this is happening only on windows phone 8.1. On windows 10 mobile the same code works.

When inspecting certificate using


I get information:

ValidFrom = {28.04.2016 12:16:06 +02:00}
ValidTo = {18.03.2019 07:28:26 +01:00}

This is how I start my socket connection:

 HostName host = address.RemoteHostName;
 string port = address.RemoteServiceName;

 CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
 cts.CancelAfter(6 * 1000);

 socket.ConnectAsync(host, port, SocketProtectionLevel.Tls12).AsTask(cts.Token).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

Should I do something in my app (can I debug or inspect it more thoroughly) or is it strictly connected with server certification?

EDIT: 4h later WM10 also started displaying revoked error while Android nad iOS has no problem connecting (windows for the past 1 year also had no problems). Is there a way to check if certificate really is revoked?

EDIT 2: I added:


So as It turns out windows has probles with obtaining revoked list. I will use this workournd for now but any help in solving this problem will be much appreciated.

asked on Stack Overflow Jun 23, 2016 by Jakub Wisniewski • edited Jun 24, 2016 by Jakub Wisniewski

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