I was trying to get powershell connect to Azure SQL Database from local. I tried the following snippet
$params = @{
'Database' = 'dbsitenamehere'
'ServerInstance' = 'instancename.database.windows.net'
'Username' = 'abcites'
'Password' = 'atbasIcpr0d'
'OutputSqlErrors' = $true
'Query' = 'SELECT * FROM Users'
Invoke-Sqlcmd @params
But I was getting this warning:
WARNING: Could not obtain SQL Server Service information. An attempt to connect to WMI on 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Types.ps1xml' failed with the following error: The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
I think, resolved the above with the solution by turning on RPC Locator service from component services link manually as shared by Hodentek @ http://hodentekmsss.blogspot.in/2014/11/how-to-overcome-error-while-importing.html >> "How to overcome error while importing the SQLPS module into Powershell?"
PS SQLSERVER:\> Import-Module “sqlps” -DisableNameChecking
PS SQLSERVER:\SQL\LocalHost> dir
But I get the following error and stuck. I am missing something silly I guess. . Exhausted, :(
Invoke-Sqlcmd : Invalid object name 'Users'.
At line:17 char:3
+ Invoke-Sqlcmd @params
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-Sqlcmd], SqlPowerShellSqlExecutionException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : SqlError,Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.PowerShell.GetScriptCommand
Request some suggestions that could get me going. I feel missing missing something in my approach to get connected.
H Bala
The RPC Locator service start was definitely correct step.It got the warning and local lookup corrected.
But the reason that I got the "Invalid object error" was because import was completing yet not creating all the schema as defined.
Close Observations revealed the following:
1. Get-AzureSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus returns no status.
Get-AzureSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus -RequestId $ImportRequest.RequestGuid
-ServerName $deployParameters.Item('sqlserverName')
-Username $credential.UserName
Attempted programmatically as below to know the progress, reveals it gets stuck at 5% and then suddenly flashes complete.
$ImportRequest = Start-AzureSqlDatabaseImport -SqlConnectionContext $SqlCtx -StorageContainer $Container -DatabaseName $deployParameters.Item('databaseName') -BlobName $BlobName
# Check the status of the import
$importStatus = Get-AzureSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus -Request $importRequest
# Check if import failed
if($importStatus.Status -eq "Failed")
Write-Output -Message $importStatus.ErrorMessage
$importDone = 1;
# Check if import is completed
if($importStatus.Status -eq "Completed")
Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Restore database complete"
$importDone = 1;
# If not failed or completed, return the status of the current import
if(($importStatus.Status -ne "Completed" -or $importStatus.Status -ne "Failed") -and $importDone -ne 1)
Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Import status: $($importStatus.Status)"
# Added a sleep so that the Write-Output doesn't get flooded
Start-Sleep -s 3
}While($importDone -ne 1)
Attempted directly on PS prompt gets me the import as completed though on SSMS, i can see only 30% of tables created!!
PS SQLSERVER:\> Get-AzureSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus -RequestId
$ImportRequest.RequestGuid -ServerName
$deployParameters.Item('sqlserverName') -Username $credential.UserName
cmdlet Get-AzureSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
Password: ABCEfg1pr0
BlobUri : https://ABC.blob.core.windows.net/kind-snapshot/kind-snapshot.bacpac
DatabaseName : Pilotdbtrialrun
ErrorMessage :
LastModifiedTime : 6/3/2016 2:29:29 PM
QueuedTime : 6/3/2016 2:27:42 PM
RequestId : 0f76af7b-7452-4cd4-a7a8-d6XXX4dc5923
RequestType : Import
ServerName : pilotsrvrtrialrun.database.windows.net
Status : Completed
ExtensionData :
4. Import via portal for same backpac creates full database tables properly.
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