I'm using the following code from within my local service to scramble some sensitive data before it's saved in the HKLM
LPCTSTR pStr = L"This is a plaintext string!";
blobIn.pbData = (BYTE*)pStr;
blobIn.cbData = lstrlen(pStr) * sizeof(TCHAR);
DATA_BLOB blobOut = {0};
if(::CryptProtectData(&blobIn, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &blobOut))
//Success, use encrypted byte array from blobOut.pbData
Well, this works fine, except when run on Windows XP (from within my local service.) The CryptProtectData API fails with error code NTE_BAD_KEYSET (0x80090016).
Any idea how to make it work there?
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