IIS Express Error 500.19 (0x80070003) cannot read config file


I've been working on MVC 5 tutorial on my office machine. Everything work perfectly in that environment.

Recently I pulled the repository to my personal laptop and I get this error.

IIS Express Error 500.19 (0x80070003) cannot read config file

In the error page I see the following path to the config file:


Which is a correct path for my office machine, but wrong for the home environment.

Additional info:

Here are locations for the Visual Studio solution:

At the office

At home


I'm a newbie to a web development, so hopefully there is an easy way to solve the problem.




2 Answers


I have resolved the problem deleting the directory ".vs" in the local directory of the project. Note: the directory .vs is hidden from Windows, enables hidden files to be displayed.

answered on Stack Overflow Aug 4, 2017 by Roby Gar

Turned out, IIS Express was pulling the old path from .vs/config/applicationhost.config file

Modifying the path to the current one has resolved the issue

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 19, 2016 by Michael Daniloff

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