I've been working on MVC 5 tutorial on my office machine. Everything work perfectly in that environment.
Recently I pulled the repository to my personal laptop and I get this error.
IIS Express Error 500.19 (0x80070003) cannot read config file
In the error page I see the following path to the config file:
Which is a correct path for my office machine, but wrong for the home environment.
Additional info:
Here are locations for the Visual Studio solution:
At the office
At home
I'm a newbie to a web development, so hopefully there is an easy way to solve the problem.
I have resolved the problem deleting the directory ".vs" in the local directory of the project. Note: the directory .vs is hidden from Windows, enables hidden files to be displayed.
Turned out, IIS Express was pulling the old path from .vs/config/applicationhost.config file
Modifying the path to the current one has resolved the issue
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