WCF Transaction with multiple inserts


When creating a user, entries are required in multiple tables. I am trying to create a transaction that creates a new entry into one table and then pass the new entityid into the parent table and so on. The error I am getting is

The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D024)

I believe this is caused by creating multiple connections within a single TransactionScope, but I am unsure on what the best/most efficient way of doing this is.

    [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
    public int CreateUser(CreateUserData createData)

        // Create a new family group and get the ID
        var familyGroupId = createData.FamilyGroupId ?? CreateFamilyGroup();

        // Create the APUser and get the Id 
        var apUserId = CreateAPUser(createData.UserId, familyGroupId);

        // Create the institution user and get the Id
        var institutionUserId = CreateInsUser(apUserId, createData.AlternateId, createData.InstitutionId);

        // Create the investigator group user and return the Id
        return AddUserToGroup(createData.InvestigatorGroupId, institutionUserId);


This is an example of one of the function calls, all the other ones follow the same format

    public int CreateFamilyGroup(string familyGroupName)
        var familyRepo = _FamilyRepo ?? new FamilyGroupRepository();
        var familyGroup = new FamilyGroup() {CreationDate = DateTime.Now};

        return familyRepo.AddFamilyGroup(familyGroup);


And the repository call for this is as follows

public int AddFamilyGroup(FamilyGroup familyGroup)
            using (var context = new GameDbContext())
                var newGroup = context.FamilyGroups.Add(familyGroup);
                return newGroup.FamilyGroupId;
asked on Stack Overflow Feb 2, 2016 by Eitan K • edited Feb 2, 2016 by Eitan K

1 Answer


I believe this is caused by creating multiple connections within a single TransactionScope

Yes, that is the problem. It does not really matter how you avoid that as long you avoid it. A common thing to do is to have one connection and one EF context per WCF request. You need to find a way to pass that EF context along.

The method AddFamilyGroup illustrates a common anti-pattern with EF: You are using EF as a CRUD facility. It's supposed to me more like a live object graph connected to the database. The entire WCF request should share the same EF context. If you move in that direction the problem goes away.

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 2, 2016 by usr

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