I am a beginner with MS SQL server 2014. Need some advise with data type conversion from SSIS to SQL server.
I am working with DATE TIME field, an example value : '01272016122044123' which is in format 'MMDDYYYYHHMMSSsss'
From SSIS I have used data type "database timestamp with precision [DT_DBTIMESTAMP2]" and in SQL Server I have used data type "DateTime2(7)".
When I am trying to import the data from SSIS it gives me error "An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Invalid date format".
The column status returned was: "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.".
Need to know where exactly i go wrong ?
Thanks Syed Ayaz Mahmud
SSIS is super fussy about converting a string to datetime. I would do a script task in a dataflow instead:
Use the following in the script:
using System.Globalization;
public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
Row.newDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Row.MyDate, "MMddyyyyhhmmssfff", provider);
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