Filling a 2GiB file with 0s in C


I am about to do some data processing in C, and the processing part is working logically, but I am having a strange file problem. I conveniently have 32-bits of numbers to consider, so I need a file of 32-bits of 0s, and then I will change the 0 to 1 if something exists in a finite field.

My question is: What is the best way to make a file with all "0s" in C?

What I am currently doing, seems to make sense but is not working. I currently am doing the following, and it doesn't stop at the 2.4GiB mark. I have no idea what's wrong or if there's a better way.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint32_t u32;

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

    u32 l_counter32 = 0;
    u8  l_ubyte = 0;
    FILE *f_data; 

    f_data = fopen("", "wb+");
    if (f_data == NULL) {
        printf("file error\n");
    for (l_counter32 = 0; l_counter32 <= 0xfffffffe; l_counter32++) {
        fwrite(&l_ubyte, sizeof(l_ubyte), 1, f_data);   
    fwrite(&l_ubyte, sizeof(l_ubyte), 1, f_data);   //final byte at 0xffffffff

I increment my counter in the loop to be 0xFFFFFFFe, so that it doesn't wrap around and run forever.. I haven't waited for it to stop actually, I just keep checking on the disk via ls -alF and when it's larger than 2.4GiB, I stop it. I checked sizeof(l_ubyte), and it is indeed 8-bits.

I feel that I must be missing some mundane detail.

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 23, 2016 by b degnan • edited Jan 23, 2016 by Theodoros Chatzigiannakis

2 Answers


The faster way to create initalize a file with zeroes (alias \0 null bytes) is using truncate()/ftruncate(). See man page here

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 23, 2016 by mauro

You are counting up to 0xffffffff, which is equal to 4,294,967,295. You want to count up to 0x80000000 for exactly 2 GB of data.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 23, 2016 by Archimaredes

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