Excel sorting requires specifying values in the format:
Columns("A:C").Sort key1:=Range("C2"), order1:=xlAscending, header:=xlYes
How Do I send it via tcom? I have tried the following unsuccessfully
(Users) 14 % set sort [$worksheet Sort]
(Users) 15 % $sort Header xlYes
0x80020005 {Type mismatch.}
(Users) 16 % $sort Header 1
(Users) 18 % set sfs [$sort SortFields]
(Users) 21 % $sfs Add Key:=[$worksheet Range "B2:B7"]
0x80020005 {Type mismatch.}
(Users) 22 % $sfs Add [$worksheet Range "B2:B7"]
(Users) 24 % $sort Apply
0x800a03ec {Unknown error}
(Users) 25 % $sfs Add [$application Range "B2:B7"]
(Users) 26 % $sort Apply
0x800a03ec {Unknown error}
You'll need to substitute the integer value of the Excel constant rather than its name.
You can peruse the list of constants and enums at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff838815.aspx and do set xlYes [expr 1]
to ensure it's an integer, then use the variable $xlYes in your script.
If you have the Excel typelib file on your computer, you can tcom::import
it to create a tcl array containing these constants.
more info: How to find com object enums for tcom using registry: http://wiki.tcl.tk/19932 How one discovers the API for a COM-exporting application: http://wiki.tcl.tk/4472
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