Hosting CLR - Bad parameters


I'm trying to host the CLR inside my C++ application and I'm having problems invoking the entry point of the managed application. The entry point is defined as usual:

static void Main(string[] args)

And here's the actual C++ code:

CComPtr<_MethodInfo> entryPoint;
hr = assembly->get_EntryPoint(&entryPoint); // this works just fine

if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

SAFEARRAY *args = 
    SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_VARIANT, 1, 1); // create an array of the length of 1 ( Main(string[]) )

int     argc;
LPWSTR  cmdLine     = GetCommandLineW();
LPWSTR  *argv       = CommandLineToArgvW(cmdLine, &argc); // get an array of arguments to this function

vtPsa.vt         = (VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR);
vtPsa.parray     = SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_BSTR, 1, argc); // create an array of strings

for (long i = 0; i < argc; i++)
  SafeArrayPutElement(vtPsa.parray, &i, SysAllocString(argv[i])); // insert the string from argv[i] into the safearray

long idx[1] = {0};
SafeArrayPutElement(args, idx, &vtPsa); // insert an array of BSTR into the VT_VARIANT args array

VARIANT obj, result;

    hr = entryPoint->Invoke_3(obj, args, &result); // call the entry point
catch(_com_error ex)
    MessageBox(NULL, ex.ErrorMessage(), "Error", 0);

    hr = hr; // added just so I can set a breakpoint

The errorcode I'm getting is -2146233032, which according to corerror.h corresponds to:

for decimal -2146233032 / hex 0x80131538 :
A mismatch has occured between the runtime rank of the array and the rank recorded in the metadata.

Can anyone see the problem?

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 2, 2008 by arul

1 Answer


Shouldn't the second parameter to SafeArrayCreateVector be 0 in both cases? MSDN lists that value as "The lower bound for the array. Can be negative."

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 29, 2009 by Tron

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