XSLT to process huge XML files (Almost 5 GB)


I am trying to find a consistent solution using XSLT to transform huge XML files (Almost 5 GB)

Hier is what I have tried until now:

  1. Using the MSXML Parser 4.0 (SP3) from the command line:

>msxsl.exe myfile.xml mysheet.xslt -o output.xml

This runs out of memory (Code: 0x8007000e) with files bigger than 800MB.

  1. Using Mozilla Firefox or IE applying XSLT through a Processing Instruction:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<?xml-stylesheet href="mysheet.xslt" type="text/xsl" ?>


The browser crashes after a couple of minutes.

  1. Trying to write my own XML-Reader in PHP (Ver 5.4.22) on Windows and selecting the elements I need with XPath


ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);

ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');

$xml = simplexml_load_file('myfile.xml');

foreach($xml->xpath('/root/node/atribute[@id="value"]') as $result){


... ...


... ... ...

The Apache server crashes.

Please tell about your experiences in this area... What about writing a class in Java?

P.S. I donĀ“t want to use software like XmlSplit or something!


1 Answer


For a 5Gb source document you'll need a streaming processor, and that means XSLT 3.0, which currently has two implementations, Saxon-EE and Exselt. Of course, not all transformations are streamable (sorting is tricky, for example), but if you describe the transformation you want to perform, or give a non-streaming version of it, then I'm sure we can help you to turn into something that works under streaming.

answered on Stack Overflow Oct 29, 2015 by Michael Kay

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