UWP 10 and Windows 8 or 8.1


Is it possible to install uwp 10 applications on windows 8 or 8.1? I tried to install it from bundle on win10 and it works, on win 8.1 I have an error: 0x80080204. The Appx package's manifest is invalid

asked on Stack Overflow Oct 20, 2015 by Sergiu Cojocaru

2 Answers


Excerpt from the official requirements to develop a Windows 10 app:

Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 support
If you choose to develop Universal Windows apps with Visual Studio 2015 on a platform other than Windows 10, these are the restrictions:
- Windows 8.1: You can’t run the app locally (only on a remote Windows 10 device). You can use the emulators in Visual Studio, but not the simulator.
- Windows 7: You can’t run the app locally (only on a remote Windows 10 device). You can’t use the emulators or the simulator in Visual Studio either.

Neither a developer, nor any normal user can run Windows 10 apps on Windows 8(.1) or 7.

answered on Stack Overflow Oct 20, 2015 by Herdo

No, It is not possible, because UWP apps are not backward compatible. Windows 10 can run Windows 8/8.1 apps but not vice versa.

answered on Stack Overflow May 16, 2016 by Raxak

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