Can't build my Cordova app for Windows due to a WINJS version error


My visual studio installation worked great and I could build my cordova app for windows (phone and desktop) but now I have the following error after each build (even with a blank cordova app project...):

Error: DEP0700 Windows cannot install package io.cordova.myapp252e6b because this package depends on another package that could not be found. This package requires minimum version 1.0.9600.17018 of framework Microsoft.WinJS.2.0 published by any publisher to install. Provide the framework along with this package. (0x80073cf3)

This is the second time that I have this problem, I solved it by uninstalling then reinstalling visual studio 2015.

This problem appears after I tried a lot of time to build my app to localize the app name with ms-resource in my confix.xml (which didn't work but it's another problem).

How can I solve this problem without reinstalling visual studio?

Thanks by advance for your help.

asked on Stack Overflow Oct 13, 2015 by gant02

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