Visual Studio 2015 debugger becomes unstable after using OpenFileDialog


I am using Visual Studio Community 2015 and have recently begun to experience a problem when using the OpenFileDialog control. I can run a debugging session on my program two or three times and use OpenFileDialog without problems. After that, whenever I close the main form, the debugger does not terminate. Clicking on the "Stop Debugging" button has no effect for about 20 seconds and then I get a messagebox:

The debugger was unable to terminate one or more processes.

[9408] .....vshost.exe: Access is denied.

The debugger may be unstable now. It is recommended that you save all files and exit.

After closing this box, the system again hangs for quite a while before returning to the code editor.

In the Immediate Window is the message:

Exception thrown at 0x752F3E28 (KernelBase.dll) in WindowsApplication1.exe: 0x000006BA: The RPC server is unavailable.

In the Output Window under "Diagnostics Hub" is the message:

Invalid operation detected by >'StandardClientTransportConnection.SendCustomMessage'.

Following advice in posts with similar problems, I have used Autoruns.exe to disable ALL explorer extensions. This has not solved the problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to diagnose this issue?
asked on Stack Overflow Sep 29, 2015 by Roger G • edited Sep 29, 2015 by Matthieu

2 Answers


I am now satisfied that the problem was caused by an incompatibility between the anti-virus product and the VS Debugger. It may be pure coincidence, but there exists another product called "Device Monitoring Studio" which documents an Interface/Method "IConnection.SendCustomMessage", so perhaps this and the AV product are related in some way.

answered on Stack Overflow Oct 1, 2015 by Roger G

You can try creating the OpenFileDialog at runtime. With a using block the object will be disposed automatically. This may do a better job cleaning up its resources than the persistent control on your form.

Using ofd As New OpenFileDialog()
    ofd.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
    If ofd.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
        ' user chose a file
        ' user canceled out
    End If
End Using ' the ofd object is disposed
answered on Stack Overflow Sep 29, 2015 by djv

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