I'm developing instrument drivers for testing at work. It's first developed in C using the IVI/Visa standard. I am then using a python wrapper for a dll of the C to use the functions in the python environment. However with the current one I am getting an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/CAS/Development/LvDrivers/Python/Python_wrapper/ADIag81110a.py", line 1362, in <module>
PGEN.ConfigureTransitionCoupling(1, "1")
File "D:/CAS/Development/LvDrivers/Python/Python_wrapper/ADIag81110a.py", line 1305, in ConfigureTransitionCoupling
ADIag81110aLib().ADIag81110a_ConfigureTransitionCoupling( self.vi, transitionEnabling , channelName )
WindowsError: exception: access violation reading 0x00000031
It happens with any function I use from the C. All of the functions work correctly when they are ran directly in C. He is is the C definition of that function:
ViStatus _VI_FUNC ADIag81110a_ConfigureTransitionCoupling (ViSession vi,
ViInt32 transitionEnabling, ViChar channelName[])
ViStatus error = VI_SUCCESS;
checkErr( Ivi_LockSession (vi, VI_NULL));
viCheckParm(Ivi_SetAttributeViInt32 (vi, channelName, ADIAG81110A_ATTR_TRANSITION_COUPLING,
0, transitionEnabling), 2, "Transition Coupling");
Ivi_UnlockSession (vi, VI_NULL);
return error;
The python might seem a little complicated but i'll only be posting the code that I feel is relevant to declaration of the ConfigureTransitionCoupling function that I'm using as an example and the ctypes declarations:
import os
import visa_exceptions
from visa_messages import completion_and_error_messages
from vpp43_constants import *
from vpp43_types import *
from ctypes import cdll
if os.name == 'nt':
from ctypes import windll
from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE as FUNCTYPE
import warnings
class Singleton(object):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
it = cls.__dict__.get("__it__")
if it is not None:
return it
cls.__it__ = it = object.__new__(cls)
it.init(*args, **kwds)
return it
class ADIag81110a_lib(Singleton):
def __call__(self, force_cdecl=False):
if self.__lib is None or self.__cdecl_lib is None:
if force_cdecl:
return self.__cdecl_lib
return self.__lib
def init(self):
self.__lib = self.__cdecl_lib = None
def load_library(self, path=None):
if os.name == 'nt':
path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin\ADIag81110a_32.dll"
self.__lib = windll.LoadLibrary(path)
self.__cdecl_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(path)
elif os.name == 'posix':
if not path:
path = "please put path to unix/linix here"
self.__lib = self.__cdecl_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(path)
self.__lib = self.__cdecl_lib = None
raise visa_exceptions.OSNotSupported, os.name
return None
def __initialize_library_functions(self):
self.__set_argument_types("ADIag81110a_ConfigureTransitionCoupling", [ ViSession , ViInt32 , ViChar ])
def __set_argument_types(self, inst_function, types, force_cdecl=False, may_be_missing=True):
if force_cdecl:
library = self.__cdecl_lib
library = self.__lib
getattr(library, inst_function).argtypes = types
except AttributeError:
if not may_be_missing:
ADIag81110aLib = ADIag81110a_lib()
class ADIag81110a():
def ConfigureTransitionCoupling(self , transitionEnabling , channelName ):
ADIag81110aLib().ADIag81110a_ConfigureTransitionCoupling( self.vi, transitionEnabling , channelName )
if __name__ == '__main__':
#This initilises the communication with the instrument
PGEN = ADIag81110a("GPIB0::10::INSTR")
test = PGEN.ReadOutputImpedance("1")
print test
I have looked at other people posting about their error and I feel they are using C-types in a different way to me so I am unable to apply their solutions.
Any help is appreciated. This is also my first post on stack overflow so feel free to point out any issues with my post :)
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