I setup a one node instance using vertica community edition. I ran install like this:
/opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --hosts --rpm /home/ec2-user/vertica-7.1.2-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm --dba-user dbadmin --data-dir /home/ec2-user/vertica1
install ran correctly...I created a db...loaded data...but did it all from the box.
My problem is that I can't connect to it from a remote computer. I can telnet on the ip address of the box on port 5433 but I can't connect to vertica. I this error:
vsql: could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060)
Is the server running on host "" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5433?
My guess is that I shoudl have done an "--hosts boxipaddress" instead of "--hosts"?
netstat shows this:
tcp 0 3331573 FIN_WAIT1
tcp 0 1442177 FIN_WAIT1
but I feel like it should show my ip adress instead of
am i on the right path here...and how do I fix this issue?
also, iptables is disabled...
I also changed my admintools.conf to looks like this:
hosts =,
node0001 =,/home/ec2-user/vertica1,/home/ec2-user/vertica1
v_mdetest_node0001 =,/home/ec2-user/vertica1,/home/ec2-user/vertica1
v_mdetest2_node0001 =,/home/ec2-user/vertica1,/home/ec2-user/vertica1
restartpolicy = ksafe
port = 5433
path = /home/ec2-user/vertica1/mdetest
nodes = v_mdetest_node0001
restartpolicy = ksafe
port = 5433
path = /home/ec2-user/vertica1/mdetest2/v_mdetest2_node0001_catalog
nodes = v_mdetest2_node0001
This has to do with your security group in AWS.
Also don`t change admintools.conf not a good idea.
Also when installing vertica on AWS make sure you do it by using the private ip of the EC2 instance, not the localhost or the public ip(elastic).
For test only open all ports on the machine for Inbound and Outbound and from there you can eliminate ports based on the Vertica docs ports usage.
Good luck with that :)
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