DynamicMethod code unverifiable in .Net 4.0 (found ref 'this' pointer... expected ref '<>f__AnonymousType1`)


Was using this solution to convert anonymous types to dictionaries using reflection.emit. Was working fine until I changed to .Net 4.0 from 3.5.

Now, I'm getting the "System.Security.VerificationException: Operation could destabilize the runtime." error.

Converted the anonymously loaded dynamic method to one hosted in a dynamic assembly, saved it, then ran peverify.exe on it to find out what was wrong.

Got: [IL]: Error: [DynamicAssemblyExample.dll : MyDynamicType::MyMethod][offs et 0x0000000D][found ref ('this' ptr) 'MyDynamicType'][expected ref '<>f__AnonymousType1`3[System.String,System.Int32,System.Byte]'] Unexpected type on the stac k. [IL]: Error: [DynamicAssemblyExample.dll : MyDynamicType::MyMethod][offs et 0x0000000D] Method is not visible. 2 Error(s) Verifying DynamicAssemblyExample.dll

The code:

    foreach (PropertyInfo property in itemType.GetProperties(attributes).Where(info => info.CanRead))
        // load Dictionary (prepare for call later)

        // load key, i.e. name of the property
        methIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, property.Name);

        // load value of property to stack
        methIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, property.GetGetMethod(), null);

        // perform boxing if necessary
        if (property.PropertyType.IsValueType)
            methIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, property.PropertyType);

        // stack at this point
        // 1. string or null (value)
        // 2. string (key)
        // 3. dictionary

        // ready to call dict.Add(key, value)
        methIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, addMethod, null);


Is there a way to derefence the pointer to the actual property? Or do I have to cast it somehow? Any pointers?


asked on Stack Overflow Jul 5, 2010 by user365004

2 Answers


Sorry guys, made a mistake, since the actual dynamic method creates a delegate type that acts on the instance of the anonymous (or non-anonymous) type, the Ldarg_0 code is looking for a something that is not there in this debug implementation.

So I, changed it to OpCodes.Ldnull.

           var attributes = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;
        foreach (PropertyInfo property in itemType.GetProperties(attributes).Where(info => info.CanRead))
            // load Dictionary (prepare for call later)

            // load key, i.e. name of the property
            methIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, property.Name);

            // load value of property to stack

            //methIL.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, itemType);
            methIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, property.GetGetMethod(), null);

            // perform boxing if necessary
            if (property.PropertyType.IsValueType)
                methIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, property.PropertyType);

            // stack at this point
            // 1. string or null (value)
            // 2. string (key)
            // 3. dictionary

            // ready to call dict.Add(key, value)
            methIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, addMethod, null);


But I still get a method not visible error after peverifying it. Is it that get methods for properties of anonymous types are not visible via reflection?

answered on Stack Overflow Jul 6, 2010 by user365004

Just a suggestion, have you tried to rewrite the code that emits IL to actually write to the dictionary - i.e. no Reflection.Emit ? My bet is that the generated IL is not proper in some way, not the code that accesses the anonymous type.

answered on Stack Overflow Jul 6, 2010 by Igor Zevaka

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