Exporting Data to Word Doc using IIS on Windows Server 2008 R2 fails


Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 8001010a The message filter indicated that the application is busy. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8001010A (RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER)).

I get the above error message on my Windows 2008 Server R2 when I try to export data to a Microsoft Word Doc. The same works fine in my local IIS server. I've tried setting permission to everyone on my server machine. Is there anything else I need to check? It was previously working fine.

asked on Stack Overflow Jul 3, 2015 by Fred Rogers • edited Jul 3, 2015 by Soner Gönül

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