Create Windows Phone 8.1 app package with makeappx.exe


I have Windows Phone 8.1 project (not Silverlight). I want create app package using makeappx.exe without Visual Studio. Using command

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64>makeappx.exe pack /v /l 
/d C:\MyAppProjectFolder\
/p C:\MyAppProjectFolder\MyApp.appx

But had errors:

MakeAppx : error: You must include a valid app package manifest file named AppxManifest.xml in the source.
MakeAppx : error: Package creation failed.
MakeAppx : error: 0x80080203 - The specified package format is not valid: The file is not a valid app package because it

The project doesn't contains AppxManifest.xml file. But contains Package.appxmanifest file. I must create AppxManifest.xml mannualy? I can't find information about this in MSDN pages.

asked on Stack Overflow Jul 1, 2015 by Alexandr

2 Answers


You just need to copy Package.appxmanifest, rename to AppxManifest and replace this:

<Application Id="App"

to this:

<Application Id="App"

You can also generate an Appx by building you Project with MSBuild, according the answer to How to deploy APPX to running Windows Phone Emulator?.

It worked for me, but I'm trying to find somethig better, if I do, I'll edit this answer.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 18, 2015 by Uilque Messias • edited May 23, 2017 by Community

If you want to manually create an appx package then yes you'll need to create the AppxManifest.xml manually. Visual studio normally uses the information in your Package.appxmanifest to create the AppxManifest.xml for you.

MSDN: How to create a basic package manifest for Windows 8 (it's valid for 8.1 appx)

You may also need to create a resources.pri (with makepri.exe) and a mapping file that tells makeappx.exe what files to include in what paths in the package, depending on how you go about it.

answered on Stack Overflow Aug 18, 2015 by Klors • edited Aug 18, 2015 by Klors

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