Migrating videosoft vsindextab from VB6 to VB.NET


I have a VB6 project I need to migrate to VB.NET.

I tryied with both the migrating tool of VB.NET express 2005 and 2008 with the same result.

When I try to open a form in designer mode containing a videosoft's vsindextab component in the resulting project of the migration, I receive the following error:

Warning 1   Unknown name. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020006 (DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME)) C:\gestionbtdotnet\FormBT.Designer.vb   261 0   

The line in error is in the designer.vb file and is the following:

CType(Me.vsIndexTab1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()

(The vsIndexTab being a vsOcx6lib.vsindextab object)

I searched all over the web about it but couldn't find anything.

I tryied using a different .NET Framework version, I tryied copying the ocx file (vsocx6.ocx) to every possible places, I tryied simply erasing the line in error.

No luck.

Can anyone help me?


1 Answer


You can only migrate code. Projects that depend on third-party components that are binary-only and not .Net compatible (like the vsindextab component used here) will not migrate. Here are your options:

  1. Check with the original vendor for a .Net version of the same component.
  2. Find another .Net-compatible replacement for the component, and re-write code to use the new replacement.
  3. Rewrite existing code to avoid using the component anywhere at design time. Factor that section out to it's own library that you can invoke at run-time only. Then build custom dllimport code to use that library at run time.
  4. Write your own replacement for the component, relying on existing .Net widgets.
answered on Stack Overflow Jul 1, 2015 by Joel Coehoorn

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