I try to debug cortex-M3 microcontroller. There is SysTick interrupt enabled in firmware. So I can't debug program. There is what i get:
C:\Users\al\Desktop\eclipse\arm-toolchain\bin>arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe ../../work_d
GNU gdb (Sourcery G++ Lite 2011.03-42)
(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
(gdb) c
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x0000001c in ?? ()
at ../Libraries/MDR32F9Qx_StdPeriph_Driver/src/MDR32F9Qx_rst_clk.c:1642
1642 statusreg = MDR_BKP->REG_0F;
Debugging is stopped when an interrupt occurs. How to fix that?
You can tell debugger not to stop on some signal with handle command. So in your case it would be:
handle SIGINT nostop
More about it in gdb manual.
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