Stack Corruption While Compiling with LTCG


I'm getting this weird crash that only happens when it's enabled. I'm fairly sure it's some sort of stack corruption, but the details of the crash are very strange.

void CMover::UpdateParts(int nSex, int nSkinSet, int nFace, int nHairMesh, int nHeadMesh,
PEQUIP_INFO pEquipInfo, CModelObject* pModel, ItemContainer* pEquipment, BOOL bIfParts,
CMover* pMover)
    if (pModel == nullptr) // returns false, aka in runtime, the pModel pointer isn't being evaluated to 0
        MooLog::Write("CMover::UpdateParts : pModel is nullptr");

    if (bIfParts)
        // if I uncomment the following line, it won't crash for some reason
        //MooLog::Write("CMover::UpdateParts : pModel is %08X", 3);

        // Crashes on the following line accessing invalid memory(0x000000C0, which is the offset of m_nPartsIdx)
        // It's strange that pModel is evaluating to zero here, considering it was just checked a few lines prior.
        pModel->m_nPartsIdx = 0; 

Assume singlethreaded app, seeing as no other threads would be writing at the time of this crash. Compiling with VC11 x86.

asked on Stack Overflow Apr 10, 2015 by Zack Winter

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