Check If a program is installed on multiple computers using Powershell


I'm having issue with a script I've written and would love some help. Please note I'm very new to powershell.

I've written a script that uses a txt file that contains remote computers on a domain, I appears to be working to some degree but in the event of a machine being offline I get errors which then loop the script.

Name = 'Machine'
Expression = { $_.PsComputerName }

ForEach ($System in $Machines)
    #Pings machine's found in text file
    if (!(test-Connection -ComputerName $System -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -Quiet))
        Write-Output "$System Offline"

     #Providing the machine is reachable 
     #Checks installed programs for products that contain Kaspersky in the name
     gwmi win32_product -Filter {Name like "%Kaspersky%"} -ComputerName $Machines | Select-Object -Property $pcname,Name,Version

At present this runs and output's like so:

Machine          Name                                        Version
UKTEST01         Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent     10.1.249 
UKTEST02         Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows

But in the event of a machine not being reachable the following error is given:

gwmi : The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
At C:\Scripts\Powershell\Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10\Script\New folder\Kaspersky Checker working v2.ps1:15 char:9
+         gwmi win32_product -Filter {Name like "%Kaspersky%"} -ComputerName   $Mach ...
+         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Get-WmiObject], COMException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetWMICOMException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWmiObjectCommand

And then moves to the next machine in the list, and then repeats from the beginning again.

I'd like for this to simply show as:

UKTEST03 Offline

And stop once the last machine in the txt file is done.

Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.

asked on Stack Overflow Mar 30, 2015 by Leon Sterling • edited Mar 30, 2015 by Leon Sterling

2 Answers


This is the perfect time to use a Try/Catch/Finally block. The flow is this : Try the block of code here, if you encounter an error, suppress the message and do what is in the Catch block instead.

I've modified your code a bit, so simply copy this whole code block and drop it in, replacing your Else {scriptblock} in your original code.

 #Providing the machine is reachable 
 #Checks installed programs for products that contain Kaspersky in the name
 Try {Get-WMIObject -Class win32_product -Filter {Name like "%Kaspersky%"} `
   -ComputerName $Machines -ErrorAction STOP | 
      Select-Object -Property $pcname,Name,Version }
 Catch {#If an error, do this instead
        Write-Output "$system Offline }

Your completed answer

I've folded in the change you requested, to keep your script from running on every machine in $machines instead of $system, as you likely intended.

ForEach ($System in $Machines){
    #Pings machine's found in text file
    if (!(test-Connection -ComputerName $System -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -Quiet))
        Write-Output "$System Offline"
     #Providing the machine is reachable 
     #Checks installed programs for products that contain Kaspersky in the name
     Try {Get-WMIObject -Class win32_product -Filter {Name like "%Kaspersky%"} `
       -ComputerName $System -ErrorAction STOP | 
          Select-Object -Property $pcname,Name,Version }
     Catch {#If an error, do this instead
            Write-Output "$system Offline "}
answered on Stack Overflow Mar 30, 2015 by FoxDeploy • edited Mar 30, 2015 by FoxDeploy

You could try this:

$machines=... # your machines' names
foreach ($machine in $machines)
    trap{"$machine`: not reachable or not running WsMan";continue}
    if(test-wsman -ComputerName $machine -ea stop){
        gcim -Class CIM_Product -Filter 'Name like "%Kaspersky%"' |
            select pscomputername,name,version

I'm using gcim because gwmi is deprecated.

Correction: the correct name is Kaspersky; I corrected it.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 31, 2015 by (unknown user) • edited Mar 31, 2015 by (unknown user)

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