I have the following sections defined in the linker script for gnu arm embedded 4.9 2014q4:
SRAM_L (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 32K
SRAM_U (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 32K
.isr_vector :
.text :
. = ALIGN (4);
vectors.S contains the following code:
/* vectors.s */
.section .isr_vector
.word _start_of_stack /* stack top address */
.word _reset /* 1 Reset */
.word hang /* 2 NMI */
.word hang /* 3 HardFault */
.global _reset
mov r0, #0
ldr r1, [r0]
mov sp, r1
bl low_level_init
b hang
hang: b .
When the program links it appears in the map file that the .text and .vector section overlap:
.isr_vector 0x00000000 0x146
.isr_vector 0x00000000 0x146 ./src/vectors.o
0x00000138 _reset
.text 0x00000000 0x6cc
0x00000000 . = ALIGN (0x4)
.text 0x00000000 0x134
Is there some rule I missed around the location of .text?
I found some information over at http://hertaville.com/2012/06/29/the-startup-file/
Looks like the following was missing from my vectors.S. I believe this is indicating proper type (.data) and size to the linker? (please correct me if I'm wrong here)
/* vectors.s */
.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m4
.fpu softvfp
.global g_pfnVectors
.global _reset
.global hang
* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M4. Note that the proper constructs
* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
* 0x0000.0000.
.section .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
.type g_pfnVectors, %object
.size g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
.word _start_of_stack /* stack top address */
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