PowerShell : Import-Module : assembly name or codebase was invalid (HRESULT: 0x80131047)


I just installed the new ISE Module Browser, wanted to try the first module, I've chosen the Bing module (which require another module called BetterCredentials, but that was handled well, so no problem).

So as mentioned in the beginning of the script of the Bing module, I had to do this :

enter image description here

and so did I, I registered and got my ApiKey, when trying to "Import-Module" Bing, using that ApiKey, I get this "famous" error :

enter image description here

As far as I could see, there was no problem with the name of the module, what is the problem ? what should I do ?


PowerShell however recognizes the cmdlets but can't execute them :

enter image description here

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 27, 2015 by AymenDaoudi • edited Feb 27, 2015 by AymenDaoudi

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