Error 0x80070021 IIS windows 8


I'm trying to deploy web pages on IIS. When I try to browse site I got such mistake:

This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level. Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault="Deny"), or set explicitly by a location tag with overrideMode="Deny" or the legacy allowOverride="false".

Section in my config file:

            <basicAuthentication enabled="false" />

May anybody help me to "unlock" parent section (as far as I understand).

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 23, 2015 by Alex Gurskiy • edited Feb 23, 2015 by Alex K.

3 Answers


You may need to allow feature delegation.

IIS Manager -> Feature Delegation

Select "Authentication - Basic" and change it to Read/Write.

By default it is ReadOnly.

answered on Stack Overflow Jul 7, 2016 by Vasu Inukollu

I had the same kind of problem when I tried to deploy ASP.NET pages on IIS. (To be honest donĀ“t know if exactly the same - I am using Windows 10 now, but got same kind of message).

At first it seamed complicated to fix but found out that had a really easy solution.

I Just needed to reinstal IIS at the Control Painel - but with ASP option enabled (I enabled all of the resources for development of applications).

And at the Website (basic) configuration had to select .NET v4.5 Classic.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 18, 2018 by ChrCury78 • edited Nov 18, 2018 by ChrCury78

Error 500.19 and file execution issues and locked on IIS 8

To resolve it I had to execute in cmd:

%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd unlock config -section:system.webServer/handlers %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd unlock config -section:system.webServer/modules

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 17, 2015 by user3654811

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