CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CorDebug) fails with 0x80131701 : Failed to find a required export in the runtime


I am trying to write an unmanaged debugger for the .NET framework, but when I try to get an instance of the core ICORDebug interface I get a runtime failure with the return value from CoCreateInstance. What am I doing wrong?

CComPtr<ICorDebug> debug;
HRESULT hr;    
asked on Stack Overflow Feb 19, 2015 by henke37

1 Answer


.NET's execution engine returns error codes starting with 0x8013. The details are here:

Your particular code has something to do with "Export not found" which probably make more sense to an unmanaged C++ coder.

I don't see why you couldn't write an unmanaged program to debug managed .NET although it sounds like extra effort. ICorDebug is a COM interface anyway so if your debugger is managed then you'll learn a lot about COM Interop. :-)

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 20, 2015 by Wonko

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