Android Studio - Error 997 "overlapped IO operation is in progress" during VC++ Redistributable installation


While installing Android Studio, I always get the following error message Error 997 "overlapped IO operation is in progress" in the log. This is during the step where the Microsoft VC++ Redistributable installation takes place.

Here is the log file:

OS Version Information: 
         OS Version = 6.2.9200, Platform 2
         OS Description = Future OS - x64 Enterprise Edition 
        OS Version Information 
         Environment details: 
         CommandLine = d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\Setup.exe /passive /norestart /showfinalerror
        Environment details 
         Entering Function: LocalizedData::CreateLocalizedData
         Entering Function: EngineData::CreateEngineData
         Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism
         MaintenanceMode determination: evaluating EnterMaintenanceModeIf
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         MaintenanceMode determination evaluates to 'not in maintenance mode'
         Operation Type: 
         Operation: Installing
        Operation Type 
         Package details: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Setup
         Package Name = Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Setup
         Package Version = 10.0.40219
        Package details 
         User Experience Data Collection Policy: 
         User Experience Data Collection Policy: UserControlled
        User Experience Data Collection Policy 
         Entering Function: UiDataT::CreateUiDataT
         Global Block Checks: Checking for global blockers
         BlockIf: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable is not supported on this operating system.
         And: evaluating
         Equals: evaluating
        Equals evaluated to true
         GreaterThan: evaluating
        GreaterThan evaluated to false
         And evaluated to false
         BlockIf evaluated to false
         BlockIf: A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine.
         And: evaluating
         Equals: evaluating
        Equals evaluated to true
         LessThan: evaluating
        LessThan evaluated to false
         And evaluated to false
         BlockIf evaluated to false
         Global Block Checks no blocking conditions found
         Applicability for Installing: evaluating each item
         Determining state: of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         Determining state of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\ - available but not verified yet
         Determining state: of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         Determining state of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp - available but not verified yet
         Determining state: of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         Determining state of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi - available but not verified yet
         Determining state: of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         Determining state of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi - authored action for this item is NoOp
         Determining state: of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         Determining state of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp - not applicable 
         Determining state: of MSIServer
        Determining state of MSIServer - payload not required for this item to perform action.
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         Applicability for Installing determination is complete
         Applicability Result Count: 
         Number of applicable items: 3
        Applicability Result Count 
         Action: System Requirement Checks
         Action: Disk space check for items being downloaded
        Action complete
         Action: Enumerating incompatible processes
        Action complete
         Action: Enumerating incompatible services
        Action complete
         Action complete
         Action: Downloading and/or Verifying Items
         d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\ Verifying signature for
        d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\ Signature verified successfully for
         d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi: Verifying signature for vc_red.msi
        d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi Signature verified successfully for vc_red.msi
         d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp: Verifying signature for msp_kb2565063.msp
        d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp Signature verified successfully for msp_kb2565063.msp
        Action complete
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         Exists: evaluating
        Exists evaluated to false
         Action: Performing actions on all Items
         Action: Performing Action on MSI at d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi
          Returning IDOK. INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR [Error 997.Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. ]
         MSI (d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi) Installation failed. Msi Log: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Setup_20150205_155712703-MSI_vc_red.msi.txt
         PerformOperation returned 1603 (translates to HRESULT = 0x80070643)
        Action complete
         OnFailureBehavior for this item is to Rollback.
         Action: Performing actions on all Items
        Action complete
         Action complete
         Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), "Fatal error during installation. " (Elapsed time: 0 00:00:04).

It's coming when the installer runs the installation of "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Setup".

enter image description here

enter image description here

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 5, 2015 by san88 • edited Mar 15, 2015 by san88

2 Answers


For me it happened when installing .NET Framework 4.6.1 and the easiest solution (after 1 day of trial and error) was to rename the folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S-1-5-18 before starting the installation. The same error happened for SQL Server Express 2014 installation and the same trick worked for it.

Credits go to Rami, for pointing out this simple solution.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 21, 2016 by Alexei - check Codidact • edited May 23, 2017 by Community

In my case i created new Windows user account and installed Android Studio.Then its installed successfully.I don't know why,but its worked for me.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 13, 2015 by san88

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