I have just installed Vault on my machine, I intend touse it single user.
When trying to use it for the first time, I get the error message below.
Is there anything I should enable? I have the correct passwords. I am using the Admin account.
I have Windows * 64 bits, Vault is also 64 bits.
Thanks to Beth's answer below, now I can at least visualise the following page, but still not be able to follow the links in it.
This is the result I get when I click on the links(Picture below).
Error messages are below, but the formatting is not good.
Most likely causes: The request matched a wildcard mime map.
The request is mapped to the static file handler. If there were different pre-conditions, the request will map to a different handler.
Things you can try: If you want to serve this content as a static file, add an explicit MIME map.
Detailed Error Information: Module StaticFileModule Notification ExecuteRequestHandler Handler StaticFile Error Code 0x80070032
Requested URL http://vrindavana:80/VaultService/Admin/default.aspx Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\VaultService\Admin\default.aspx
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
IIS: I have IIS installed and if I browse it I see what's on the picture below.
First try reaching the Vault server using a browser. Try the URL http://<your Vault server name>/vaultservice/index.html
. If you can not reach that page, then change to either the FQDN or the IP address.
If you still cannot reach the index.html page, then try reaching it using a browser right on the server and use localhost. The URL would then be http://localhost/vaultservice/index.html
Let me know the results of these URLs first and then I'll give you next steps.
SourceGear Technical Support
Thanks for the update.
The error seems to indicate a problem with the .NET Framework. Here are the next steps you should try.
1) Register the .NET framework with IIS. Run a command-prompt as administrator and then change directories until you get to the highest version of the 4.x .NET framework. It might look something like cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.net\framework64\v4.0.30319
, but I'm not sure of the entire path on your machine. Then run the command aspnet_regiis -i
Then try your web page again.
2) If you then get a 404.2 error, then open your IIS Manager, click on the machine name and then click on ISAPI and CGI restrictions. Make sure the .NET frameworks are set to Allow there.
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