Can't compile because replace function improperly used?


I stream in a text file, which uses semi colons to separate values. I want to replace the semi colon with a colon, and stream out into a newly made .csv file

CURRENTLY, the program runs without an error during compiling, but when i specify an output filename, it creates the .csv file then crashes.

I can not upload images in my post because I am a new member...

Here is the Visual Studio Output When I compile:

1>------ Build started: Project: export, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1>  export.cpp
1>  Generating code
1>  Finished generating code
1>  export.vcxproj -> J:\Bar\OIL Final\export\Release\export.exe
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Here is the 'guts' of the code:

string file_type = ".csv";                          //  Stores the Export 

Filename Extension string file_path = ""; // Stores the

Export Filename and Path string filename;

bool validateExportFilename()
    bool valid_filename = false;                        // Holds the Bool Value which 

maintains a loop until vaid file is found

    while (valid_filename == false)
        std::cout << "\t\tPlease Enter A Name For These Results:\t";
        cin >> filename;

        file_path = export_folder + filename + file_type;

        ifstream check_filename;                        // Define the Input 

File Stream --> using USER entered file name; // Open the file fresh - all

positions in memory (i.e. getline() location) will be reset.

        if (
            t("FILE NAME IS VALID..."); //  TRACE MESSAGE
            valid_filename = true;
            std::cout << "\n\t\t\t[!] ERROR - File Exists. Try again. [!]\n" << endl;   // 

Notify USER of Error std::cout << "\n\n\t\t\t";

                // Format the pause command's screen output

                    // Pause to give user the time to find the file
    return 0;

if (inFile.is_open())
    while (!inFile.eof())
        string line = "";
        getline(inFile, line);
        line.replace(line.begin(), line.end(), ";", ", ");
        outFile << line << endl;

t("End Function - Replace");    //  TRACE MESSAGE


return 0;

Here is a sample of the data of the text file, i am trying to stream in, and turn into a CSV file:

4/09/2013;10:34:57 AM;4780;1129;63;32;19.9;17.7;13.5;12.6;OK;0;50;4.77;26; 144 
4/09/2013;10:35:11 AM;4546;1117;69;30;19.8;17.7;13.7;12.5;OK;0;50;4.76;26; 143 

And here is what i want to stream out to a different file, but with the extention .CSV instead of .TXT:

4/09/2013,10:34:57 AM,4780,1129,63,32,19.9,17.7,13.5,12.6,OK,0,50,4.77,26, 144 
4/09/2013,10:35:11 AM,4546,1117,69,30,19.8,17.7,13.7,12.5,OK,0,50,4.76,26, 143 

And here is what the debugger outputs when the program crashes:

The thread 0x1d5c has exited with code -1073741510 (0xc000013a).
The program '[10012] export.exe' has exited with code -1073741510 (0xc000013a).

Unhandled exception at 0x637B7666 (msvcr120.dll) in export.exe: Fatal program exit requested.

Call stack lists this:

msvcr120.dll!637b7666() Unknown
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for msvcr120.dll]  
[External Code] 
>   export.exe!replaceAndExport() Line 204  C++
    export.exe!wmain() Line 79  C++

And under Autos:

-       inFile  {_Filebuffer={_Set_eback=0x00000000 <NULL> _Set_egptr=0x00000000 <NULL> 

_Pcvt=0x00000000 ...} } std::basic_ifstream > + std::basic_istream > {_Chcount=0 }

std::basic_istream > + std::basic_ios > {_Mystrbuf=0x001efb88 {_Set_eback=0x00000000

_Set_egptr=0x00000000 _Pcvt=0x00000000 ...} ...}

std::basic_ios > + _Filebuffer {_Set_eback=0x00000000 _Set_egptr=0x00000000 _Pcvt=0x00000000

...} std::basic_filebuf > - line "" std::basic_string,std::allocator > [size] 0 unsigned int [capacity] 15 unsigned int + [Raw View] 0x001efcd8 {...}

std::basic_string,std::allocator > * - outFile {_Filebuffer={_Set_eback=0x00000000 _Set_egptr=0x00000000

_Pcvt=0x00000000 ...} } std::basic_ofstream > + std::basic_ostream > {...}

std::basic_ostream > + std::basic_ios > {_Mystrbuf=0x001efc34 {_Set_eback=0x00000000

_Set_egptr=0x00000000 _Pcvt=0x00000000 ...} ...}

std::basic_ios > + _Filebuffer {_Set_eback=0x00000000 _Set_egptr=0x00000000 _Pcvt=0x00000000

...} std::basic_filebuf >

I can see the .CSV file being created, but the file remains empty at 0KB and a split second after the file is

created, the application crashes.

I feel like i may need to adjust the "read a line, swap commas in" process so i dont overflow the buffer, but

i am not a programmer so i dont really know...

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 19, 2014 by Matthew Kessanis • edited Dec 22, 2014 by Andrew Barber

1 Answer


As you've pointed out, the problem lies with the line line.replace(line.begin(), line.end(), ";", ", ");

Since you seem determined to emphasize on the fact that you're not a programmer, I will not go into detail as to why it compiles even though you're using it wrong. Instead, I will explain how this function is supposed to be used. While they are a number of variations to this function, the main purpose of string::replace is to replace a portion of one string with another string.

Simply put, I can use string::replace to change Hello World to Goodbye Cruel World by stating that I want Hello to be replaced with Goodbye Cruel. This, of course, works for not just the beginning but also any part of the string.

So that's not the function you want.

The function you want to use is present in <algorithm> called replace. replace is similar to string::replace except that instead of replacing a range, you specify the old value (in this case ';') and the new value (in this case ':') and you pass them into the function like this, replace(line.begin(), line.end(), ';', ':');. Now what replace will do is search through the range from line.begin() to line.end() for all instances of ';' and replace them with ':'.

Thank you for reading.

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 19, 2014 by Nard

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