Send sms using Mbn Api C#


I'm looking for a way to send Sms throught MbnApi using : IMbnSms interface. But it's not working at all. I could not have a sample project to see how to do it. I'm coding on C# .Net


public  class NaErrorHandling
   public Dictionary<UInt32, string> Hresults { get;private set; }

   public NaErrorHandling()
       Hresults = new Dictionary<UInt32, string>();

   private void Init()
       Hresults.Add(0, "S_OK");
       Hresults.Add(0x8054820a, "E_MBN_SIM_NOT_INSERTED");
       Hresults.Add(0x80070057, "E_INVALIDARG");
       Hresults.Add(0x80548202, "E_MBN_BAD_SIM");

       Hresults.Add(0x80548210, "E_MBN_PIN_REQUIRED");
       Hresults.Add(0x80548224, "E_MBN_SMS_MEMORY_FAILURE");
       Hresults.Add(0x80548226, "E_MBN_SMS_UNKNOWN_SMSC_ADDRESS");
       Hresults.Add(0x80548209, "E_MBN_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVATED");
       Hresults.Add(0x80548225, "E_MBN_SMS_NETWORK_TIMEOUT");
       Hresults.Add(0x8054820d, "E_MBN_NOT_REGISTERED");
       Hresults.Add(0x80548223, "E_MBN_SMS_LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED");
       Hresults.Add(0x80548220, "E_MBN_SMS_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED");
       Hresults.Add(0x80548228, "E_MBN_SMS_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED");
       Hresults.Add(0x80548229, "E_MBN_SMS_MEMORY_FULL");
       Hresults.Add(0X80070015, "ERROR_NOT_READY");

       Hresults.Add(1062, "ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE");
   public string GetError(int error)
       UInt32 uerror = (UInt32)error;
       if (Hresults.ContainsKey(uerror))
           return Hresults[uerror];
       return "Error Not Know";

 public class SmsResult : MbnApi.IMbnSmsEvents 
    public void OnSetSmsConfigurationComplete(MbnApi.IMbnSms sms, uint requestID, int status)

    public void OnSmsConfigurationChange(MbnApi.IMbnSms sms)

    public void OnSmsDeleteComplete(MbnApi.IMbnSms sms, uint requestID, int status)

    public void OnSmsNewClass0Message(MbnApi.IMbnSms sms, MbnApi.MBN_SMS_FORMAT SmsFormat, object[] readMsgs)


    public void OnSmsReadComplete(MbnApi.IMbnSms sms, MbnApi.MBN_SMS_FORMAT SmsFormat, object[] readMsgs, bool moreMsgs, uint requestID, int status)
        string messageShow = String.Empty;
        SMSPDULib.SMS rms= new SMSPDULib.SMS();

        foreach (var msgReceived in readMsgs)
            var msg = msgReceived as IMbnSmsReadMsgPdu;
           messageShow +=  GetSms(msg.PduData) + "\n";
        System.Windows.MessageBox.Show( messageShow);

    private string GetSms(string pduSource)
        SMSType smsType = SMSBase.GetSMSType(pduSource);
        string message = string.Empty;
        switch (smsType)
            case SMSType.SMS:
                SMS sms = new SMS();
                SMS.Fetch(sms, ref pduSource);
                message = sms.Message;
                //Use instance of SMS class here
            case SMSType.StatusReport:
                SMSStatusReport statusReport = new SMSStatusReport();
                SMSStatusReport.Fetch(statusReport, ref pduSource);
                //Use instance of SMSStatusReport class here
        return message;
    public void OnSmsSendComplete(MbnApi.IMbnSms sms, uint requestID, int status)
        NaErrorHandling handling = new NaErrorHandling();
        var res = handling.GetError(status);
        UInt32 uStatus = (UInt32)status;

    public void OnSmsStatusChange(MbnApi.IMbnSms sms)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public void SendSms()
        MbnConnectionManager mbnConnectionMgr = new MbnConnectionManager();
        IMbnConnectionManager connMgr = (IMbnConnectionManager)mbnConnectionMgr;
            IMbnConnection[] arrConn = connMgr.GetConnections();
            if (arrConn != null)
                String res = String.Empty;
                foreach (var connection in arrConn)
                    res += String.Format("Connection ID : {0} | Interface Id : {1}\n", connection.ConnectionID, connection.InterfaceID);
                var conn = arrConn[0];
                uint prId = 0;
                //conn.Connect(MBN_CONNECTION_MODE.MBN_CONNECTION_MODE_PROFILE, "Bouygues Telecom", out prId);
                MbnInterfaceManager mbnInterfaceMgr = new MbnInterfaceManager();
                var mbnInterface = mbnInterfaceMgr as IMbnInterfaceManager;
                var selectInterface = mbnInterface.GetInterface(conn.InterfaceID);
                MBN_INTERFACE_CAPS caps =  selectInterface.GetInterfaceCapability();

                var theCap =caps.smsCaps;// (uint)MBN_SMS_CAPS.MBN_SMS_CAPS_PDU_SEND;
                IConnectionPointContainer icpc;
                icpc = (IConnectionPointContainer)mbnInterfaceMgr;

                Guid IID_IMbnConnectionEvents = typeof(IMbnSmsEvents).GUID;
                IConnectionPoint icp;
                icpc.FindConnectionPoint(ref IID_IMbnConnectionEvents, out icp);

                SmsResult connEvtsSink = new SmsResult();
                uint cookie;
                icp.Advise(connEvtsSink, out cookie);

                var sms = selectInterface as IMbnSms;
                string phoneDest = "";
                string pdu = String.Empty;
                byte[] size = new byte[5];

                uint requestId = 456;
                MBN_SMS_STATUS_INFO smsStatusInfo = new MBN_SMS_STATUS_INFO();
                smsStatusInfo.flag = 10;
                    IMbnSmsConfiguration smsConfig = sms.GetSmsConfiguration();
                    sms.GetSmsStatus(out smsStatusInfo);

                    var wtf = smsStatusInfo;
                    string serviceDatacenter = smsConfig.ServiceCenterAddress;
                    CreatePduSms(null, phoneDest, "Hello", out pdu, out size);

                    //var res1 = SMSPDULib.SMS.GetBytes(pdu, 16);
                    var total = SMSPDULib.SMS.GetBytes(pdu);
                    byte wantedSize =(byte) total.Length;

                    CreatePduSms(serviceDatacenter, phoneDest, "Hello", out pdu, out size);
                    //var byteArray = StringToByteArray(pdu);
                    //var str = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(byteArray);

                    sms.SmsSendPdu(pdu, wantedSize, out requestId); 
                    //sms.SmsSendCdma(phoneDest, MBN_SMS_CDMA_ENCODING.MBN_SMS_CDMA_ENCODING_7BIT_ASCII, MBN_SMS_CDMA_LANG.MBN_SMS_CDMA_LANG_FRENCH, 2, GetBytes("Hi"), out requestId);
                catch (Exception exp)
                    //MessageBox.Show("Cannot send Message : " + exp.Message);

        catch (Exception e)
            //MessageBox.Show(e.Message + e.StackTrace);

    private void CreatePduSms(string servAddress, string phoneDest, string msg, out string pdu, out byte[] size)

        SMSPDULib.SMS sms = new SMSPDULib.SMS();
        sms.Direction = SMSPDULib.SMSDirection.Submited;
        sms.PhoneNumber = "";
        if (servAddress != null)
        sms.ServiceCenterNumber = servAddress;
        sms.ValidityPeriod = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0);
        sms.Message = msg + DateTime.Now.ToString();
        pdu = sms.Compose(SMSPDULib.SMS.SMSEncoding._7bit);
        size = 0;
asked on Stack Overflow Dec 5, 2014 by NKlopDev • edited Dec 5, 2014 by NKlopDev

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