I have to write a shell/perl script to scan a log file for last 30 mins worth Data. The requirement is to schedule this script in Cron to run every 30 minutes and look for a error string.
OS: Solaris
I have tried below script, but it has become too long and clumsy, do we have other way to make it a bit shorter?
starttime=$(date +'%H')
currmin=$(date +'%M')
curdate=`date|cut -d' ' -f5`
echo $(date)
if [ $currmin -le 29 ] && [ $starttime -ne 00 ] ; then
starttime1=`echo "$(date +'%H') - 1" | bc`
echo $logtime
elif [ $currmin -le 29 ] && [ $starttime -eq 00 ] ; then
echo $logtime
echo $logtime
if ( grep "$logtime" $slogs | egrep "AAA Authentication Failure|AAA Authorization Failure") > dptest 2>&1;then
Do something
UPDATE: Adding example log statement.
Below is the example of log statement:
Nov 20 06:06:58 business-log-sta [DP-Domain-STAGING][0x80000001][business-log][info] mpgw(GenServiceMPG): trans(31513092)[request]: AAA Authentication failure/>
I think you're doing it a little backwards - building an RE to grep a date out of a log file.
Approaching this in perl I'd be looking to read the whole log file, tokenise it - to extract the time stamp - and then alert based on message content.
Perl has a nice module for the first part - Time::Piece
It goes a bit like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
my $HALF_HOUR = 30 * 60;
while (<DATA>) {
#extract timestamp via regular expression
my ( $timestamp, $message ) = (m/\A(\w+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+) (.*)/);
#convert text timestamp to 'unix time'.
#need the year in here because your log doesn't include it.
my $t = localtime();
$t = $t->strptime( $timestamp . " " . $t->year, "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" );
#skip if parsed time is more than half an hour ago.
next if ( $t < time() - $HALF_HOUR );
if ( $message =~ m/AAA Authentication failure/i
or $message =~ m/AAA Authorization failure/i )
print "Alert: ( $t ) $message\n";
Nov 20 13:46:58 business-log-sta [DP-Domain-STAGING][0x80000001][business-log][info] mpgw(GenServiceMPG): trans(31513092)[request]: AAA Authentication failure/>
Nov 20 13:00:58 business-log-sta [DP-Domain-STAGING][0x80000001][business-log][info] mpgw(GenServiceMPG): trans(31513092)[request]: AAA Authentication failure/>
Nov 20 10:06:58 business-log-sta [DP-Domain-STAGING][0x80000001][business-log][info] mpgw(GenServiceMPG): trans(31513092)[request]: AAA Authentication failure/>
Followup Q:
"Could you please explain what this statement does, my ( $timestamp, $message ) = (m/\A(\w+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+) (.*)/);
This does two things:
- will match from the start of line:
will capture a time. (Any 3 colon separated numbers). The other part, of course, captures 'the rest'.
and $message
). Net result is - given the line:
Nov 20 13:46:58 business-log-sta [DP-Domain-STAGING][0x80000001][business-log][info] mpgw(GenServiceMPG): trans(31513092)[request]: AAA Authentication failure/>
(\w+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+) (.*)
Our regular expression returns the two 'chunks' separately, and then we put them into the two variables.
How is your opinion to use sqlite3 to do the filtering stuff - the benefit it parses the time for you could be very handy. The only backside is you have to normalize the data.
function sqlite-filter-time() {
if [ '0' = "$#" ]; then
echo "Usage: $FUNCNAME <file> <timespan> <where>"
local year="$(date '+%Y')"
local ofs='___FS___'
sed "s,^\([^ ]* [^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\),\1 \2$ofs," "$1" | sed "s,Jan ,$year-01-,;s,Feb ,$year-02-,;s,Mar ,$year-03-,;s,Apr ,$year-04-,;s,May ,$year-05-,;s,June ,$year-06-,;s,July ,$year-07-,;s,Aug ,$year-08-,;s,Sep ,$year-09-,;s,Oct ,$year-10-,;s,Nov ,$year-11-,;s,Dec ,$year-12-," > "$1.tmp" # normalize data for sqlite - command to extract the date and the rest of the text
echo '.mode csv'
echo ' sft_date TEXT,'
echo ' sft_text TEXT'
echo ');'
echo ".headers off"
echo ".nullvalue ''"
echo ".separator '$ofs'"
echo ".import $1.tmp sft"
echo ".separator ' '"
echo "SELECT *"
echo "FROM sft"
echo "WHERE sft_date > datetime('now', '$2')"
echo " AND (sft_text like '%AAA Authentication Failure%'"
echo " OR sft_text like '%AAA Authorization Failure%'"
echo " )"
echo ";"
} | sqlite3
rm "$1.tmp"
$ sqlite-filter-time "$slogs" '-30 minutes'
"2014-11-20 16:01:58" " business-log-sta [DP-Domain-STAGING][0x80000001][business-log][info] mpgw(GenServiceMPG): trans(31513092)[request]: AAA Authentication failure/>"
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