Unable to debug application in visual studio 2010 after install visual studio 2013


After the installment of visual studio 2013 i'm having problems to debug the 'bigger' applications of visual studio 2010.

I'm getting the following Error:

A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated. For more details, please see the
Microsoft Help and Support web site. HRESULT=0x8007000e. ErrorCode=0x0.

Reading about the error points me in a lack of physical memory. Yet I have 16 GB ram of which 20% is used at the moment and still 300 gigs of diskspace free.So it can't be a memory problem

I know there are many questions persent with regards to this error message. Yet none deviate from the base conclusion of lack of memory. Whereas in my case there is still lots of memory available.

Any ideas/suggestions/tips are very welcome

Note: subset of Searched info


Why am I often getting error 0x8007000e when debugging a project in Visual Studio?



Note 2: Simply upgrading to visual studio 2013 is not a possibility at the moment.

Note3 : According to this site the limit of virtual memory for VS is at 2 gigs. Yet the program itself never even reaches 1 gig (viewed in task manager) and using the command bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072 i've already increased it to 3 gigs

Note 4: During the debug in VS2013 we notice a sudden spike of 300 mb for a second or 2 when starting to debug. So obviously the error could be correct but the reason is stillwhat blurry.

asked on Stack Overflow Nov 14, 2014 by User999999 • edited May 23, 2017 by Community

1 Answer


Is it possible to put System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); somewhere in the startup code, and then run the app NOT under vs2010 debugger? Doing so should give you a dialog and allow you to attach a debugger (including VS2013) of choice, which might work?

Glad it helped :)

PS Might be worth trying to re-install VS2010? Also, put #If DEBUG..#Endif either side of the Debugger.Launch() line so it won't do it in Release!

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 14, 2014 by simon at rcl

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