A Deployed KDMF USB Driver is not debuggable


A Simple KDMF USB Driver is deployed on a target machine

  1. Target Machine has a USB Sniffer installed
  2. Target is Win 8.1 (x64)
  3. Host is Win 2012 Ent (x64)
  4. WinDbg Remote Debugging Toolset is used
  5. Target is provisioned
  6. Breakpoints are set using the Visual Studio
  7. IDE Deployment succeed, no errors at setupapi.dev.log
  8. The USB Sniffer shows the URB interaction triggered by the deployed KMDF USB Driver Indicating the driver is actually running.
  9. Although the driver is running and the debugger seemed to be attached execution doesn't break at any of the breakpoints set.
  10. The debugger doesn't automatically break once attached.
  11. Manually Breaking execution and running "x *!" verify that the KDMF USB Driver is loaded.
  12. Manually Breaking execution and running "x %Driver Name%!*" verify that the KDMF USB Driver symbols are properly loaded.
  13. Manually Breaking execution and running "bl" list no breakpoints

Having the above in mind, why does the debugger doesn't break execution at the pre-defined break-points?
why does the WinDbg "bl" command list no break points although few are set using the Visual Studio IDE?

Re-provisioning/rebooting/... doesn't resolve the problem

Any help will be appreciated


I have cleaned any residuals of the driver from the system ( including driver cache cleanup using pnputil.exe -d )

Only then, setupapi.dev.log say the following:

Verifying file against specific (valid) catalog failed! (0x800b0109)
{_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0x800b0109)} 09:09:16.117
Success: File is signed in Authenticode(tm) catalog.
{_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0xe0000241)} 09:09:16.137

The driver IS SIGNED with a valid verisign certificate, is there any specific req for that certificate?
Should this cause the problem I am experiencing?

asked on Stack Overflow Aug 27, 2014 by NadavRub • edited Aug 27, 2014 by NadavRub

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