I am facing issue while running a EXE. I ahve tried all possible way avialble on net as far as I did research.
1) Go to gpedit.msc-computer configuration-windows settings-security settings-local policies-security options.Change "User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users:" to "prompt for credentials".
2) I tried keeping EXE entry in Applocker also and providing full access. Tried both path and Hash.
3) REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers\ /v DefaultLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00040000 /f
Tried even adding a new key name 0 under this. Which i checked somewhere for this issue.
4) User has full access on folder. I provided through admin user. and Everone also has full access to fodler and EXE.
EXE seems to working jsut fine with admin access.
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