I am trying to read an attribute from an LDAP (not AD) entry using C# and the .NET library 'System.DirectoryServices'.
My LDAP entry is the following:
dn: uid=foo,ou=People,dc=companyname,dc=local
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
gidNumber: 0
givenName: Foo
sn: Bar
displayName: Foo Bar
uid: foo
homeDirectory: /
cn: foo bar
uidNumber: 9846
userPassword: {SHA}Ys23Ag/5IOWqZCw9QGaVDdHwH00=
mail: foo@dodo.net
The Linux LDAP server I am using is "389", also known as "Fedora Directory Server". My C# code looks like this:
string value = null;
DirectoryEntry ouEntry = null;
string path = "LDAP://, dc=companyname, dc=local";
string adminUserName = "cn=Directory Manager";
string adminPassword = "supersecureadminpassword";
ouEntry = new DirectoryEntry(path, adminUserName, adminPassword, AuthenticationTypes.None);
DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(ouEntry, "uid=foo");
SearchResult result = searcher.FindOne();
DirectoryEntry userEntry = result.GetDirectoryEntry();
var props = userEntry.Properties.PropertyNames;
value = userEntry.Properties["givenName"].Value.ToString();
The code works perfectly fine. However, if I replace "givenName" by "displayName" the code fails on the line if(userEntry.Properties.Contains("displayName"))
with a System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Unknown error (0x8000500c)
And that happens, even though the attribute "displayName" shows up when inspecting the property list props
I have read this post, because it seems to be a similar problem. However, I don't know how to fix the problem, because all I have is a static IP address and not a fully qualified name for my LDAP server.
Has anybody any idea what the problem in my code is and if it is related to the mentioned post? How would I solve the problem?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Update 1:
I've also tried to replace the IP address by the LDAP server's Linux host name (the output of the shell command hostname
), but that didn't work either. Also, "displayName" is not a custom attribute, as far as I know. Therefore, my problem probably does not match the problem in the linked post.
I am really desperate and don't know what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Few things:
try to use PropertiesToLoad
DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(ouEntry, ...);
Although you said it works for "givenName", you might try to test a third party tool to check if there is no problem with your connection. E.g. you might try LDAP Browser, try to provide same connection data and perform a search for your filter string and see if it returns all required data.
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