Error while scripting ArcGIS in VB.NET "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040202"


I am getting this Run time Error while coding ArcGIS in VB.NET script to calculate distance between two 3-D objects.

“Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040202”

I tried to understand the problem but failed. Please help me to debug. I am trying to add a screen shot but it looks like i need at least 10 reputation to post images.

Actually my work is to create a Rectangular plane with 3D vertices below earth's surface and to find distance to the plane from all the points of a Grid created on earth's surface. All this work is to be done in ArcGIS. So I created a Geodatabase in Geographic Coordinate System WGS-1984. Then I created a grid file and added envelope, lats and longs etc. Then I created two shape files a point and a polygon in GCS and projected them to UTM system. Then I used an interface called I3DProximity to find the distance. Then it gave the error.

So here's my code. First I created Geodatabase here and assigned Geographic coodrinate system:

    Dim wksp As IWorkspace
        wksp = CreateFileGDB(mainPath, GDBName)
        Dim fWS As IFeatureWorkspace
        fWS = CType(wksp, IFeatureWorkspace)

        Dim pSpatialReferenceEnvironment As SpatialReferenceEnvironment
        pSpatialReferenceEnvironment = New SpatialReferenceEnvironment
        Dim pGeographicCoordinateSystem As IGeographicCoordinateSystem
        pGeographicCoordinateSystem = pSpatialReferenceEnvironment.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem(esriSRGeoCSType.esriSRGeoCS_WGS1984)

        Dim pfeatclass As IFeatureClass
        pfeatclass = CreateFeatureClassWithFields(mainName, fWS)

        'Adding Fields to the GDB file

        Dim pworkedit As IWorkspaceEdit = CType(wksp, IWorkspaceEdit)
        Dim pfeaturebuffer As IFeatureBuffer

        pfeaturebuffer = pfeatclass.CreateFeatureBuffer

        Dim pfeature As IFeature = CType(pfeaturebuffer, IFeature)
        Dim nfeatcursor As IFeatureCursor = pfeatclass.Insert(True)

        Dim Xmin As Double
        Dim Ymin As Double
        Dim Xmax As Double
        Dim Ymax As Double

        If ToolStripTextBox10.Text = "Xmin" Then
            Dim player As ILayer = axMapControl1.ActiveView.FocusMap.Layer(0)

            Xmin = player.AreaOfInterest.Envelope.XMin     'longitude of left bottom point
            Ymin = player.AreaOfInterest.Envelope.YMin     'latitude
            Xmax = player.AreaOfInterest.Envelope.XMax     'longitude of top right point
            Ymax = player.AreaOfInterest.Envelope.YMax     'latitude
            Xmin = Val(ToolStripTextBox10.Text)
            Ymin = Val(ToolStripTextBox11.Text)
            Xmax = Val(ToolStripTextBox12.Text)
            Ymax = Val(ToolStripTextBox13.Text)

        End If

        Dim numgridsLong As Integer = CType((Xmax - Xmin) / gInterval, Integer)
        Dim numgridsLat As Integer = CType((Ymax - Ymin) / gInterval, Integer)

        ReDim gridLong(numgridsLong, numgridsLat)
        ReDim gridLat(numgridsLong, numgridsLat)

        gridLong(0, 0) = Xmin
        gridLat(0, 0) = Ymin

        For j = 0 To (numgridsLat - 1)
            For i = 0 To (numgridsLong - 1)
                gridLong(i, j) = Xmin + i * gInterval
                gridLat(i, j) = Ymin + j * gInterval
                Dim pPolygon As IPolygon = getPolygon(gridLong(i, j), gridLat(i, j))
                'createPolygon(gridLong(i, j), gridLat(i, j), interval1, interval2)

                pfeature.Shape = pPolygon
            Next i
        Next j


        'Adding lattitude and longitude field values to the mainName fileGDB

        ' Adding a featureclass as a layer to Map Control
        Dim featWS As IFeatureWorkspace = retFWspace(PathName)
        Dim featclass As IFeatureClass = featWS.OpenFeatureClass(mainName)
        Dim gridFLayer As IFeatureLayer = New FeatureLayer
        With gridFLayer
            .FeatureClass = featclass
            .Name = mainName
            .Visible = True
        End With


        disp_stat("GDB : " & PathName)
        disp_stat("Grid Interval: " & gInterval)
        disp_stat("Grids: " & numgridsLong & " * " & numgridsLat)
        Count = 0
        disp_stat("Feature count: " & FeatCount())

        Exit Sub

    End If

    mruList.AddItem(mainPath) 'MRU List Loader
    disp_stat("Create GDB Executed")


Here I created a rectangle using four 3D points:

Dim pPoint As IPoint = New PointClass()
    Dim pPointCollection As IPointCollection = New RingClass()
    Dim pGeomCollection As IGeometryCollection = New PolygonClass()

    pPoint.PutCoords(lat2, long2)
    pPoint.Z = Z2
    pPoint.PutCoords(lat1, long1)
    pPoint.Z = Z1

    pPoint.PutCoords(lat4, long4)
    pPoint.Z = Z4
    pPoint.PutCoords(lat3, long3)
    pPoint.Z = Z3
    Dim pOutGeometry As IGeometry = CType(pGeomCollection, IGeometry)
    Dim pZaware As IZAware = CType(pOutGeometry, IZAware)
    pZaware.ZAware = True

Now I created a 3D point to check if the distance calculation works fine

    Dim gpoint As IPoint = New PointClass()
    Dim gridgeometry As IGeometry = CType(gpoint, IGeometry)
    Dim gZaware As IZAware = CType(gridgeometry, IZAware)
    gZaware.ZAware = True
    gpoint.PutCoords(71.558, 21.663)
    gpoint.Z = 0

Here I gave Geographic coordinate systems to bothe polygon and point and projected them to UTM coordinate system as 3D operators works in projected systems rather than geographic coordinate systems

Dim pSpatRefFact As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ISpatialReferenceFactory

    pSpatRefFact = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment

    Dim pGCS As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeographicCoordinateSystem
    pGCS = pSpatRefFact.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriSRGeoCSType.esriSRGeoCS_WGS1984)

    pOutGeometry.SpatialReference = pGCS
    gpoint.SpatialReference = pGCS

    'Now Define the Projected Coordinate System
    Dim projectedcosys As IProjectedCoordinateSystem
    projectedcosys = pSpatRefFact.CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem(esriSRProjCSType.esriSRProjCS_WGS1984UTM_43N)

    'Now We need to project it


Now I use IProximity3D inerface to return the distance

    Dim pProxOp As IProximityOperator3D = CType(gpoint, IProximityOperator3D)
    Dim pReturnDistance As Double = pProxOp.ReturnDistance3D(pOutGeometry)

Here is the exception image:
asked on Stack Overflow Jul 15, 2014 by user590 • edited Jul 16, 2014 by user590

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