How to set/get bit patterns efficiently in C#


Quite often when using hardware interfaces you'll have to set groups of bits or set them without changing the rest of the bits. The interface description says something like: you get a System.UINT32, bit 0 is set if available; bits 1..7 mean the minimum value; bits 8..14 is the maximum value; bits 15..17 is the threshold, etc. I have to do this for a lot of values, each with their own start and stop bits.

That's why I'd like to create a class that can convert the values (start bit; stop bit; raw UINT32 value) into the value it represents, and back.

So something like:

class RawParameterInterpreter
    public int StartBit {get; set;}    // counting from 0..31
    public int StopBit {get; set;}     // counting from 0..31

    Uint32 ExtractParameterValue(Uint32 rawValue);
    Uint32 InsertParameterValueToRawValue(Uint32 parameterValue,
        Uint32 rawValue);

I understand the part with handling the bits:

// example bits 4..7:
extract parameter from raw value: (rawvalue & 0x000000F0) >> startbit;
insert parameter into raw: (parameter << startbit) | (rawValue & 0xFFFFFF0F)

The problem is, how to initialize the 0x000000F0 and 0xFFFFFF0F from values startBit and endBit? Is there a general method to calculate these values?

I would use something like this

Uint32 bitPattern = 0;
for (int bitNr = startBit; bitNr <= stopBit; ++bitNr)
    bitPattern = bitPattern << 2 + 1;
bitPattern = bitPattern << startBit;

I know the class System.Collections.BitArray. This would make it even easier to set the bits, but how to convert the BitArray back to Uint32?

So question: what is the best method for this?


1 Answer


Well, your question is very general but,

You could use an enum with a Flags attribute.

public enum BitPattern
    Start = 1,
    Stop = 1 << 31
answered on Stack Overflow Jun 30, 2014 by Jodrell • edited May 23, 2017 by Community

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