Why does my .NET Windows service not start automatically sometimes?


I have modified a working Windows service that had always been starting beforehand. After adding the System.Management reference it now sometimes will not start automatically. I get the following error:

Service cannot be started. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80010002): Call was canceled by the message filter. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010002 (RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED))

I found another post here on SO with someone having the same issue.

Why won't my .Net Windows service start automatically after a reboot?

However, the proposed solution was to have the service start after the services it depends on have started. However, when I go to the Dependencies tab for my service, I see:

alt text

Should I just use the workaround method of putting the thread to sleep, or is there a more proper way of getting this service to start correctly? Is this happening because .NET has not started before my service starts?



EDIT: I have added a try-catch statement to catch the exception. Here is the code that I added to the OnStart() method of my service (which is where the exception is being thrown)

            _watcher = new ManagementEventWatcher(query);
            _watcher.EventArrived += new EventArrivedEventHandler(watcher_EventArrived);
        catch (Exception ex)
            EventLog.WriteEntry("Could not create Sleep/Resume watcher" + ex.Message);

The service does start now but without the functionality that I have added. I am new to .NET, but I took the watcher code from a sample I found online, so I am pretty sure it is correct. The Event Log displays the same exception:

Could not create Sleep/Resume watcher Call was canceled by the message filter. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010002 (RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED))

asked on Stack Overflow Mar 8, 2010 by Tomek • edited May 23, 2017 by Community

4 Answers


I've had this problem myself and apparently it only occurs on Windows XP (not on Vista or Win 7). To fix this you need to add a dependency to the Windows Management Instrumentation service. Adding this dependency to your existing service is done in three simple steps:

  1. Open the command prompt (Windows+R -> cmd -> enter)
  2. Type: sc config "NAME_OF_YOUR_SERVICE" depend= winmgmt
  3. Press enter, you should see: [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS

Restart your computer and your service should now start correctly.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 19, 2012 by Jonathan Persson

The problem isn't with the service itself, it's that the new component you added a reference to is throwing an unhandled exception (Call was canceled by the message filter). Troubleshoot that error message with whatever code you added, and/or put in better error handling so that an error in that component will not bubble up to the top and cause the service to stop :-)

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 8, 2010 by Joel Martinez

If you depend on another service, us sc.exe to configure your service to start after the dependency. This cannot be done through the Services applet.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 8, 2010 by Timores

I ended up using Thread.Sleep(10000) right before I create the ManagementEventWatcher (before the try statement)

It is kind of a workaround, but it did fix the problem.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 8, 2010 by Tomek

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