android sys rtc wakealarm does not boot device when off


i have a galaxy tab 3 tab t210r and galaxy tab 2 p3113. the t210r is a stock rom. the p3113 is running CM 11 rom. both are rooted. i am trying to turn it on when it's off.

if i run the following via adb shell:

root@android:/ # echo +100 >/sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm  

i see the rtc alarm is set:

root@android:/ # cat /proc/driver/rtc
cat /proc/driver/rtc
rtc_time        : 05:05:11
rtc_date        : 2014-05-23
alrm_time       : 05:06:43
alrm_date       : 2014-05-23
alarm_IRQ       : yes
alrm_pending    : no
update IRQ enabled      : no
periodic IRQ enabled    : no
periodic IRQ frequency  : 1024
max user IRQ frequency  : 1024
24hr            : yes
trim/divider            : 0x00007fff
RTSR                    : 0x00000034

however, the device never wakes up when turned off.

what can i do to turn the device back on.

asked on Stack Overflow May 23, 2014 by complexi

1 Answer


whoa, did we go in the wrong direction. here's what we did instead:

1) first we needed to know high to low flow of the Android OS using the desk clock as an example:

. / Packages / apps / (was desk clock app. we changed this) 
. / Frameworks / base / core / java / android / app / 
. / Frameworks / base / services / java / com / android / server / 
. / Frameworks / base / services / jni / com_android_server_AlarmManagerService.cpp 
. / Kernel / kernel / drivers / rtc / alarm-dev.c 
. / Kernel / kernel / include / linux / android_alarm.h 
. / Kernel / kernel / drivers / rtc / alarm.c 
. / Kernel / kernel / drivers / rtc / interface.c 
. / kernel / kernel/drivers/rtc/rtc-twl.c (we changed this driver to fit our Android device)  

2) then cherry-pick the code from github (thankfully devs already did what we needed)

all this wouldn't have even been possible unless we had CM running on our 32 core server keeping compilation times down to 10-20 minutes.

answered on Stack Overflow May 25, 2014 by complexi • edited May 25, 2014 by complexi

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