Stream audio using MediaFoundationReader with Naudio


I am using the MediaFoundationReader to play almost every format with my program, but I also read you are able to play streams using this. How would you go about reading streams from the internet using MediaFoundationReader?

When I initialize the MediaFoundationReader-object with an URL I get the following exception:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC00D001A): Exception from HRESULT: 0xC00D001A

at NAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaFoundationInterop.MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL(String pwszURL, IMFAttributes pAttributes, IMFSourceReader& ppSourceReader)

at NAudio.Wave.MediaFoundationReader.CreateReader(MediaFoundationReaderSettings settings)

at NAudio.Wave.MediaFoundationReader..ctor(String file, MediaFoundationReaderSettings settings)

at NAudio.Wave.MediaFoundationReader..ctor(String file)

The URL, by the way is valid and works when I try it on my web-browser.

asked on Stack Overflow Apr 8, 2014 by Tokfrans • edited Apr 8, 2014 by Tokfrans

1 Answer


The error you are getting is: NS_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND "The system cannot find the file specified." So check your URL is correctly formatted.

Here's a quick snippet playing audio from a URL with MediaFoundationReader:

var url = "";
using(var mf = new MediaFoundationReader(url))
using(var wo = new WaveOutEvent())
    while (wo.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing)
answered on Stack Overflow Apr 9, 2014 by Mark Heath

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