Could not load file or assembly .. There is not enough space on the disk. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070070)


I have hosted the site in d:/ where there is ample space but in c:/ there is less space like around 2 mb. I get this error below. The server is Windows 2008 hosted on IIS 5.0, 2.0 site.

There is not enough space on the disk. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070070)
asked on Stack Overflow Feb 17, 2014 by Rameez Ahmed Sayad • edited Feb 17, 2014 by Joe

2 Answers


You need more space on the system drive. .NET components live there, temporary compilation happens there (often), etc. That's too small. Just because your site's components are on D does not imply that all things affecting that site happen there as well.

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 17, 2014 by Joe

Try re-uploading that dll again.

answered on Stack Overflow Jul 11, 2018 by saktiprasad swain

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