This article says:
The ID3D11DeviceContext methods (except for those that exist on ID3D11DeviceChild) are not free-threaded, that is, they require single threading. Only one thread may safely be calling any of its methods (Draw, Copy, Map, etc.) at a time.
I was wondering if I can make COM do the ID3D11DeviceContext
synchronization for me.
Let's say I do this (in simplified code):
// Create D3D11Device
CComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> pD3D11DeviceContext;
Then I either marshall it:
IStream* pStreamD3D11DeviceContext = NULL;
CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnknownD3D11DeviceContext;
::CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream( __uuidof(ID3D11DeviceContext), pUnknownD3D11DeviceContext, &pStreamD3D11DeviceContext );
Or us a GIT table:
CComPtr<IGlobalInterfaceTable> pIGlobalInterfaceTable;
::CoCreateInstance( CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IGlobalInterfaceTable, (void **)&pIGlobalInterfaceTable );
CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnknownD3D11DeviceContext;
DWORD dwCookieD3D11DeviceContext = 0;
pIGlobalInterfaceTable->RegisterInterfaceInGlobal( pUnknownD3D11DeviceContext, __uuidof(ID3D11DeviceContext), &dwCookieD3D11DeviceContext );
Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work.
(0x80040155, Interface not registered
) and pStreamD3D11DeviceContext
remains NULL.
GIT method goes one step further. I get the cookie, but when I try to use it on another MTA thread, the GetInterfaceFromGlobal returns E_INVALIDARG.
CComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> pD3D11DeviceContext;
hresult = pIGlobalInterfaceTable->GetInterfaceFromGlobal( dwCookieD3D11DeviceContext, __uuidof(ID3D11DeviceContext), (void**)&pD3D11DeviceContext );
The params for GetInterfaceFromGlobal
seem okay, I tested getting the pointer back on the original thread and it worked.
The D3D11Device
and D3D11DeviceContext
appear to be unmarshallable. Obviously I have neither proxy DLL nor a typelib for the d3d11.
Am I missing anything?
Thank you.
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