Call was rejected by callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED))


I have a small C# Winforms Application that is using Word.Interop to Take a Single Mail Merge Document, copy each section, paste that section into it's own document, and save it individually.


I keep (sometimes randomly) getting the error message: Call was rejected by callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED)). I have tested my below code and when I use breakpoints, I never receive this message. However, if I let it run uninhibited, it seems to error out at my line oNewWord.ActiveDocument.Range(0, 0).Paste();. What is even weirder, sometimes I get the Exception Message as expected, other times processing seems to just hang up and when I press PAUSE in Visual Studio, it shows me as currently at my Exception Message box line.

Anyone know how to resolve this?


public void MergeSplitAndReview()
                // Mail Merge Template
                Word.Application oWord = new Word.Application();
                Word.Document oWrdDoc = new Word.Document();

                // New Document Instance
                Word.Application oNewWord = new Word.Application();
                Word.Document oNewWrdDoc = new Word.Document();

                object doNotSaveChanges = Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges;

                // Documents must be visible for code to Activate()
                oWord.Visible = true;
                oNewWord.Visible = true;

                Object oTemplatePath = docLoc;
                Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

                // Open Mail Merge Template
                oWrdDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(oTemplatePath);

                // Open New Document (Empty)
                // Note: I tried programmatically starting a new word document instead of opening an exisitng "blank",
                //       bu when the copy/paste operation occurred, formatting was way off. The blank document below was
                //       generated by taking a copy of the FullMailMerge.doc, clearing it out, and saving it, thus providing
                //       a kind of formatted "template".
                string newDocument = projectDirectory + "\\NewDocument.doc";
                oNewWrdDoc = oNewWord.Documents.Open(newDocument);

                // Open Mail Merge Datasource
                oWrdDoc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource(docSource, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing,
                   oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing);

                // Execute Mail Merge (Opens Completed Mail Merge Documents Titled "Letters1")

                int docCnt = oWord.ActiveDocument.Sections.Count - 1;
                int cnt = 0;
                while (cnt != docCnt)
                    string newFilename = "";

                    // Copy Desired Section from Mail Merge
                    // Set focus to the New Word Doc instance
                    // Paste copied range to New Word Doc

                    oNewWord.ActiveDocument.Range(0, 0).Paste(); // THIS IS THE POINT WHERE I GET THE ERROR MENTIONED WHEN NOT USING A BREAKPOINT.

                    foreach (ListViewItem lvI in lvData.Items)
                        if (lvI.Checked) // Get first checked lvI in lvData to use for generating filename

                            string fileSys = lvI.SubItems[14].Text.ToUpper();
                            string memNo = lvI.SubItems[0].Text;

                            newFilename = fileSys + "%" + memNo + "%" + "" + "%" + "" + "%" + "CORRESPONDENCE%OUTGOING - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT%" + DateTime.Now.ToString("") + ".doc";

                            lvI.Remove(); // Delete from listview the lvI used for newFilename
                            break;        // Break out of foreach loop

                    // Save New Word Doc
                    oNewWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs2(docTempDir + newFilename);
                    // Clear New Word Doc
                // Hides my new word instance used to save each individual section of the full Mail Merge Doc
                oNewWord.Visible = false;
                // MessageBox.Show(new Form() { TopMost = true }, "Click OK when finished.");
                MessageBox.Show(new Form() { TopMost = true }, "Click OK when finished.");

                oNewWord.ActiveDocument.Close(doNotSaveChanges); // Close the Individual Record Document
                oNewWord.Quit();                                 // Close Word Instance for Individual Record
                oWord.ActiveDocument.Close(doNotSaveChanges);    // Close the Full Mail Merge Document (Currently ALSO closes the Template document)
                // oWord.Documents.Open(docTempDir + "FullMailMerge.doc");

                oWord.Quit(doNotSaveChanges);                    // Close the Mail Merge Template
                MessageBox.Show("Mail Merge Completed, Individual Documents Saved, Instances Closed.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Source:\t" + ex.Source + "\nMessage: \t" + ex.Message + "\nData:\t" + ex.Data);
                // Close all Word processes
                Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("winword");
                foreach (var process in processes)


2 Answers


As Andrew Barber point out that my way cause performance loss when handling exception.

And the article referenced by Hans Passant did provide a GREAT way with option 3.

----below will cause performance loss

when it is busy, need a retry after some period of time.

may this function be helpful to retry

use lambda (delegate) as parameter

Usage 1

var selectionLocal = selection; 
var range = RunWithOutRejected(() => selectionLocal.Range);

Usage 2

   () =>
       following.Value.Range.FormattedText.HighlightColorIndex =

Usage 3

var nameLocal = name;
var bookmark = RunWithOutRejected(() =>  
   .Bookmarks.Add(nameLocal, range));
name = RunWithOutRejected(() => bookmark.Name);
return new KeyValuePair(name, bookmark);

ps: when interop MSword using this function, the code _application.Selection.PasteSpecial(); failed

    public static T RunWithOutRejected<T>(Func<T> func)
        var result = default(T);
        bool hasException;

                result = func();
                hasException = false;
            catch (COMException e)
                if (e.ErrorCode == -2147418111)
                    hasException = true;
            catch (Exception)
        } while (hasException);

        return result;
answered on Stack Overflow Aug 13, 2014 by pie • edited May 23, 2017 by Community

i had the same problem, after upgrading to office 2016 from office 2010 (win 10 64 bit), my problem : word was not the default program for editing document, so i made word as default program from "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Default Programs\Set Default Programs" and it solved.

answered on Stack Overflow Sep 6, 2016 by yair

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