Can not replace fragment. No view found for id for fragment


I have list of fragments and artice. Every lelement on list is connected with article. That works fine. But when I try replace article by ID from external activity I have an error:No view found for id for fragment

External Activity:

ArticleMuralFragment newElement = new ArticleMuralFragment();
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt("ARG_POSITION", 7);

FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
transaction.replace(, newElement);

XML ArticleFragment


12-10 20:05:28.866: E/FragmentManager(18952): No view found for id 0x7f050013 (com.urbanforms.main:id/fragment_container) for fragment ArticleMuralFragment{423009f8 #0 id=0x7f050013}
12-10 20:05:28.866: E/FragmentManager(18952): Activity state:
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):   Local FragmentActivity 41fb0db0 State:
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):     mCreated=truemResumed=true mStopped=false mReallyStopped=false
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):     mLoadersStarted=true
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):   Active Fragments in 41fb1e58:
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):     #0: ArticleMuralFragment{423009f8 #0 id=0x7f050013}
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):       mFragmentId=#7f050013 mContainerId=#7f050013 mTag=null
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):       mState=0 mIndex=0 mWho=android:fragment:0 mBackStackNesting=1
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):       mAdded=true mRemoving=false mResumed=false mFromLayout=false mInLayout=false
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):       mHidden=false mDetached=false mMenuVisible=true mHasMenu=false
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):       mRetainInstance=false mRetaining=false mUserVisibleHint=true
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):       mFragmentManager=FragmentManager{41fb1e58 in Map{41fb0db0}}
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):       mArguments=Bundle[{ARG_POSITION=7}]
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):   Added Fragments:
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):     #0: ArticleMuralFragment{423009f8 #0 id=0x7f050013}
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):   Back Stack Indices:
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):     #0: BackStackEntry{423016c0 #0}
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):   FragmentManager misc state:
12-10 20:05:28.876: D/FragmentManager(18952):
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):$2@41fb2760
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):     mCurState=5 mStateSaved=false mDestroyed=false
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):   View Hierarchy:
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):$DecorView{41fb3958 V.E..... ... 0,0-1280,736}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):{41fb3fd0 V.ED.... ... 0,0-1280,736 #1020310 android:id/action_bar_overlay_layout}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):         android.widget.FrameLayout{41fb4bd8 V.E..... ... 0,108-1280,736 #1020002 android:id/content}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):           android.widget.RelativeLayout{41fbaa70 V.E..... ... 0,0-1280,628}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):             android.widget.FrameLayout{41fbea10 V.E..... ... 0,0-1280,628 #7f050014 app:id/map}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):               android.widget.FrameLayout{41f75178 V.E..... ... 0,0-1280,628}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):       {41f7ebf0 VFED..C. ... 0,0-1280,628}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):                 android.widget.RelativeLayout{41fffc58 V.E..... ... 0,0-1280,628}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):                   android.widget.ImageView{41ffebf0 V.ED.... ... 7,593-82,621}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):                 android.widget.RelativeLayout{41f86af0 V.E..... ... 0,0-1280,628}
12-10 20:05:28.886: W/ResourceType(18952): No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000002
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):                   android.view.View{42050988 V.ED..C. ... 1211,13-1267,69 #2}
12-10 20:05:28.886: W/ResourceType(18952): No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000003
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):                   android.widget.RelativeLayout{41ff3180 V.E..... ... 1267,82-1267,489 #3}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):                     maps.bu.a{4205c660 G.ED..C. ... 0,0-0,0}
12-10 20:05:28.886: W/ResourceType(18952): No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000001
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):                   android.widget.LinearLayout{42047d70 V.E..... ... 1211,502-1267,608 #1}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):                     android.view.View{4205eba8 V.ED..C. ... 0,0-56,53}
12-10 20:05:28.886: D/FragmentManager(18952):                     android.view.View{4204b6f8 V.ED..C. ... 0,53-56,106}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952):{41fb4fd0 V.ED.... ... 0,33-1280,108 #1020311 android:id/action_bar_container}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952): {41fb54d0 V.E..... ... 0,0-1280,75 #1020312 android:id/action_bar}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952):             android.widget.LinearLayout{41fb5a38 VFE...C. ... 0,0-210,75}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952):     $HomeView{41fb6ab8 V.E..... ... 0,0-65,75}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952):                 android.widget.ImageView{41fb6e48 V.ED.... ... 0,27-21,48 #102025a android:id/up}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952):                 android.widget.ImageView{41fb71a0 V.ED.... ... 17,16-60,59 #102002c android:id/home}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952):               android.widget.LinearLayout{41fb8370 V.E..... ... 65,21-210,54}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952):                 android.widget.TextView{41fb8680 V.ED.... ... 0,0-134,33 #1020264 android:id/action_bar_title}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952):                 android.widget.TextView{41fb9300 G.ED.... ... 0,0-0,0 #1020265 android:id/action_bar_subtitle}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952):   {41ff6690 V.ED.... ... 1280,0-1280,75}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952): {41fb98d8 G.E..... ... 0,0-0,0 #1020313 android:id/action_context_bar}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/FragmentManager(18952):{41fb9da0 G.ED.... ... 0,0-0,0 #1020314 android:id/split_action_bar}
12-10 20:05:28.896: D/AndroidRuntime(18952): Shutting down VM
12-10 20:05:28.896: W/dalvikvm(18952): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41801b90)
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952): Process: com.urbanforms.main, PID: 18952
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id 0x7f050013 (com.urbanforms.main:id/fragment_container) for fragment ArticleMuralFragment{423009f8 #0 id=0x7f050013}
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at$
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at android.os.Looper.loop(
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at$
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at
12-10 20:05:28.906: E/AndroidRuntime(18952):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
asked on Stack Overflow Dec 10, 2013 by Serafins • edited Dec 14, 2013 by Serafins

5 Answers


It seems you're using different fragment id in the code and in the Activity layout's FrameLayout id. In the code, you're using "map_container" fragment id, but the stacktrace says:

No view found for id 0x7f050013 (com.urbanforms.main:id/fragment_container) for fragment ArticleMuralFragment

Are you sure you're using the same fragment id? Because i come to the same problem when doing so. Hope this helps :)

answered on Stack Overflow May 5, 2014 by telmo

You are trying to put a fragment into a view container with id: fragment_container here:

 FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager()

But you likely have no view with that id. Find the container view that you want this fragment to go into and give it the android:id="@+id/fragment_container tag

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 10, 2013 by pat

Activity from which I wanted to open Fragment had fragment defined in XML file. To replace fragment, fragment have to be defined programmatically

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 14, 2013 by Serafins

Try something like this:

class UploadNewProductFragment extends Fragment{
private void repaintThisFragment() {
    FragmentManager fm = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();
    Fragment newFrame = new UploadNewProductFragment();
    fm.beginTransaction().replace(, newFrame).commit();
answered on Stack Overflow Dec 10, 2013 by 5er

Same error happened to me when I was trying to paste the code of an app I was developing without bottom navigation into a new application with bottom navigation bar. (ile, new, project with navigation activity, etc)

So for me the fragment defined in main_activity.xml had the id nav_host_fragment (instead of the id "container" that was defined in my original app without navbar), obviously, it was not going to work I realized... So I just changed the line accordingly, i.e. the line where you do the transaction?replace, I fixed it with the correct id for the fragment I was trying to replace, namely to

Hope this helps

answered on Stack Overflow Jun 19, 2020 by José Josefo MP • edited Jun 19, 2020 by Ali

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