I have .Net console application that may throw Stackoverflow exception. Based on answer here How does the well-known "Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException" screen appears made by Hans Passant, when application failed because of StackOverflow exception it should return COR_E_STACKOVERFLOW result code.
I've looked through .net 2 source code, and here is that constant:
internal const int COR_E_STACKOVERFLOW = unchecked((int)0x800703E9);
And the code for StackOverflow is such:
void DECLSPEC_NORETURN EEPolicy::HandleFatalStackOverflow(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo, BOOL fSkipDebugger)
// This is fatal error. We do not care about SO mode any more.
// All of the code from here on out is robust to any failures in any API's that are called.
TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), COR_E_STACKOVERFLOW);
That equals to -2147023895. (Here is sample - http://www.dotnetfiddle.net/1rAvoF)
I start my console application from another application, and after that I check for process.ExitCode
But exit code that I've got is -1073741571, and it's not equal to stackoverflow exception code.
Why it returns different exit code?
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